Its more than capable at 8.0. Ive been one shot by those things in conquerors a lot
I wish that was true
More context was it a 1v1 or were you preoccupied fighting someone else?
Yeah the guns delete planes but they have the worst velocity. The amount lead you have to pull for someone 400m infront of is almost double other fighters.
Lucky to hit a plane at 600m in a tail chase
The 262 Polk is horrifically inaccurate and the 262 platform in general sucks.
Several occasions of my ammo being blown or all my turret getting wiped from a single shell. As for aircraft I kick the hell out of 262s in props easily. Just CAS being unbalanced and uncountered
The 50mm me262 gun has had an accuracy buff recently
It is technically seen not a buff if they just reduced their nerf from some years ago.
Me262 is out-accelerated by the F80A5
Me262 is slower than F80A5 under 2.3 km, it is faster at 5km altitude by 20 whole km/h!
F80A accelerates slightly better
F80A turns significantly better except for instantenous turn at 700-785 km for massive GS and enormous SEP of -182 m/s - when both can barely proce acceleration around 2-3 m/s
This is just one comparison. Compare it with Su-11, F2H-2, F84B and it gets stupid.
It’s roughly comparable with the F80A but lacks any real speed or acceleration advantage to really dictate an engagement against the superior turning aircraft.
Having stock to spaded all Me262s besides the 50mm, the past week.
Airspawn variants are by far the pick of the lot.
Me262 A1-a having to side climb to avoid the first wave of F84s and get to a reasonable alt to have enough energy match pretty much decided almost over.
Both C variants disliked alot. Yeah the rocket motor is good and can energy trap. But unable to capitalise on it fast enough, both struggle to turn and get guns on before opponent regains energy.
At all speeds trying to get the nose on target is such a pain. Felt atleast the A variants had much better nose authority.
Without a massive energy advantage its dead in the water. F80As, F2H, Su11s walk all over you, feels like david and goliath if locked in a 1v1 dogfight.
Only really good at 3rd partying and baiting for team mates. Players see Me262 and see an easy target will hunt you down.
Lack of abilty to do head on attacks without fear of combusting also very limiting.
Matchmaker for the 7.0-7.3 almost always uptiered to 8.0. C2B seeing 9.0 the one strength being energy traps but with faster missle slingers really takes that away from you.
C2B only excels vs players unaware of what it is when they try to energy trap you.
Need to fly Me262s perfect any slip up and youll be paying for it. Not sure i have felt more limited and outclassed vs planes at the same battle rating as i have flying the me262s.
I had way better time stock to spading Kikka, Sk60, A21 and J21 any other 7.0
I have had more fun flying bombers and will happily never fly these again.
MiG-9 😌
For some reason it’s 7.3, even though it’s simply worse than the 9(l) 😄
So it’s practically a 7.0 Jet.
I think you need to cut a planes tail, or kill the pilot for a plane on the ground to be destroyed.
It’s of course funny that bombs can explode but not fuel tanks.
So the 50mm isn’t great in killing planes on the ground, compared to fast firing guns.
Since a plane without wings can still be repaired.
MiG-9 Early is not really worse than 262, sidegrade at worst (I am comparing it to the 7.0 262 though) MiG-9L is one of the best 7.3 jets.
I have it and trust me it’s very underwhelming.
I fully agree, but it is also a matter of options.
I scored countless hits with the 2 AP rounds without even scoring a crit. I mean when i finally find a P-51 below me and am able to hit them in the wing it is more than disappointing that the guy continues flying as if nothing happened.
So center mass hits with HE work fantastic vs flying single engine fighters, but Tu-2s are somehow way tougher.
It would be great if the 6.3 Me 262 A-1/U4 would have an option to add R4Ms - those rockets work imho way better in such strafing runs.
I won the 6.7 Me 262 A-2a ages ago and won it again in the previous loot box round so i gave it a try.
It takes ages to get a feeling and becoming used to the MK 108s but the plane is not bad - it just takes a hell of efforts, patience and discipline to get any results.
The main problems are the performance gap vs 7.0 aircraft, the slow muzzle velocity and limited range of the MK 108s and the necessity to keep some of your team mates alive as you need a living team.
Especially keeping your team alive is often a mission impossible if you have too many 262s in your team as most of them die early game.
Yes, you can kill 7.0 planes, but they need to be distracted or make rookie mistakes in order to have a chance to kill them. If you face stuff like F-89s (which are somehow 7.0) with these bloody FFAR rockets you are doomed.
The 0.3 BR reduction is imho not relevant as you face partial uptiers in most of your matches and in case you have a full downtier you face 5.7 sweatlords in Yak-3Us & VK 107s and the 6.7 counterparts in J6K & Spit F Mk 24s at the same time.
Fantastic - those guys know how to fight jets so you will often just get tankers in US aircraft or (like described earlier) you need a map without Rolands to say “hello” on the forward enemy airfield.
Regarding results:
Imho most of the matches up to 7.3 are decided by JP and UK props - and not by the involved jets. As soon as a few experienced guys in 7.0/7.3 US/UK jets are in the lobby they decide the outcome. Su-9/11s and Yak-15/17 flown by very good pilots are rather rare to see.
6.7 without an interceptor spawn at the lowest.