Should the me262 get a lower BR and by how much?

  • 0.3 lower
  • 0.7 lower
  • leave them at the same BR
  • they need a higher BR
0 voters

.3 lower i think is the most it should ever go down. Late props eat them alive and the other ww2 jets have them as free food because german mains are not good players


0.3 sounds like a fair BR reduction

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.3 lower would be 6.7, that is pretty fair. Some of the other early jets should also be moved down .3 with it, but that’s a topic for another day.


only some of them mind you. I think the 262 with the 50mm gun should get a significant BR increase for ground battles as the thing is crazy good.


Maybe, maybe not. Even though it’s (the standard 262A, not any other 262) arguably the worst 7.0, it shouldn’t just go down alone. Better to bring back up other aircraft that shouldn’t have gone down in BR (F-86s, MiG-15s).
However, I am also of the unpopular opinion that superprops are often equivalent or even superior in overall performance to early jets and that more mixed jet/prop BRs would be beneficial, this could mean the 262A going down though alongside a more substantial rework of early jets and not just alone as a balancing thing.

They should be 6.7 with an interceptor spawn, or 6.3 without one.


yes but it is unlikely Gaijin will every touch the me262s sadly.

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No. Compression is bad but this community constantly lusts and yearns for it…

Of all people I expected this response the least from you. We are usually on the same page about this.

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It’s not compression, it’s moving an awful plane down in BR, and giving it some use. This is no different from moving the 8.7 Me-163 down to 8.0 where it belongs.

It’s incredibly outclassed even compared to 7.3 planes, and is useless against any competent 7.7.


It is? Have you ever tried to fight decent 262 pilots in a 6.0? Really? If you have you’d realize there is a giant gap here in performance regardless if the 262 sucks for 7.0.

You are advocating for compression. Do better.

yay compression!!!


It’s kinda just sad where it’s at tbh, it just doesn’t excel at anything.

My favorite

What other early jets???

  1. The problems of the Me 262s are based on the fact that 1944 production models have to face 1946/47 jets like F-80 A-5 (look up when the engine was produced), 1947 strike aircraft with airspawn (F-84), infamous useless jets (MiG-9), c+p prototypes (like Su-9 & Su-11), outperformed cold war jets like the F2H (without any air kills) or 1953 turboprops like the A2D-1 (never went into production).

  2. The superiority of those aircraft is solely engine power based - the development leaps in engine technology after WW 2 were amazing.

  3. On top of that the standard 262s carry an armament optimized to kill bombers, not fighters. So head-ons with MK 108s are pointless as enemy cannons outrange your shells by a substantial margin.

  4. The wt meta in Air RB favors point & click in infinite headon loops - the inferior armament (except MK 103) makes it pointless to fight vs experienced enemies - as a faster plane can dictate when and where those head-ons will happen.

This looks like the only possible solution as the F-86 & MiG-15s pushed the already mentioned other jets down to 7.0/7.3.

We have seen (F8F-1down to BR 4.7) that gaijin considers burst-mass in their BRs - this is useless if your plane is not good enough (outside head-ons) to bring guns on target.

When i see these xxxxx xxxxxx comments about fighting 6.0s in a 7.0 Me 262 - every halfmost experienced player is able to dodge MK 108 shells - it takes ages to push props low and slow.

And Air RB is no 1 vs 1 duel simulator - usually i play 1 vs 6-10 in the 6.7 A-2a - there is no chance to kill anything else than totally oblivious ground pounders or guys repairing on their forward airfield.

Except the He 162 A-2 there are no other WW 2 fighter jets implemented.

I might change my mind if you can provide any evidence that the implemented Meteor F Mk 3 (later version with Derwent engines) was produced and saw combat before VE day. You can google the whole day and you won’t find any evidence for a usage of this version by No 616 Squadron.


Uncle J Wick@live Post reads like a German main trying to cope.

Here is the problem with the me-262, speed. If it goes lower it would fight props and thus making it the new wyvern. All the German main will do is zoom in and out and never commit cause they would lose every dog fight, they then will cry and scream and gajin cant have the German diaper babies being all mad.

If they play the role of the interceptor , the air spawn would mean their on the bombers before they could even consider getting over target, thus making that style of gameplay basically obsolete and turning every match into a team death match with an enemy who can literally run away from a fight.

The me-262 is fine where it is, so long as you don’t fly like a moron or like the ‘main character’ you can do well in it.

welcome to WAR THUNDER where compression is breakfast, lunch, and dinner

So like the 162? Which is about as fast as a 262 and has arguably better guns?

It is outclassed by every other jet at its BR.


The plane is not out classed, its pilots are. If a me 262 pilot can’t set up energy traps, reversals, or use their gun effectively, then it’s on the pilot, not the plane.

The problem with German mains is you are used to doing whatever in the bf109 and getting away with it. If they just fly the me 262 like a US plane, they do fine.

The Me-262 is a problem, but the F-84B, Hornets, Ki-83, and any other plane that can climb well isn’t? It’s not like it has a good climbrate either, because it will still be outclimbed by dedicated interceptors and the F-84B.

It is worse than any other 7.0 jet, which is why it needs to be 6.7. The He-162 is already 6.0, and no one complains about it.