Should the me262 get a lower BR and by how much?

6.7 enough and perfect, it’s even worse than a c+p su9. mk108 would compensate for the compression issues anyways

Energy traps against jets that outclimb it? Reversals against jets that turn far better than it? Use the worst guns at jet tier effectively?

109s are some of the most mediocre planes around and definitely not handholdy at all.

Which you can’t do because you’ll always meet jets faster than it.


Imho you waste time & energy replying to a guy on my ignore list. I don’t even read these “things”.

He started 2 rant threads (both deleted by mods), has zero idea what he is talking about (blind man talking about colours) and just tries to provoke.

Highlight was that he complained about useless team mates - and the first replay i opened showed him diving with a P-38 after spawning and team killing a friendly Ki-43 with stealth ammo. My post revealing this was in one of the deleted threads.

Some of his posts were not deleted, you might check and decide for yourself if you want to continue.

Have a good one!

A picture if you need one:

I Cant Hear You GIFs | Tenor

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A-1a in the game, it is not for a big fighter duel, it needs to climb for a long time, so by the time it gets there, half of both teams are out of the game… If it manages to get close to the B-29, the player has to resign from supporting the team and just climb… I don’t know if it is possible to ideally balance Schwalbe, if it is not better where it is…

Allied bombers are missing at 6.3-7.3… (B-45 Tornado, B-66 Destroyer…)
At the same time, it flew against the B-17, but in the game it would be a massacre…
Maybe a B-24 with an Emerson nose… some of the B-24 J/L/M versions are missing at all
Or a B-17 (YB-40)…

As a mediocre pilot, I found the Yak-15 and 17 to be remarkably easy to fly. While not a match for props in maneuverability, I found the yaks to handle well enough to stand a chance against both props and early jets. The main issue I find with the yak is top speed and rip speed.

That being said, I feel like the Me262 is more challenging to use, but at the same it has more tricks up it’s sleeve. As if to say a higher skill ceiling.

Out of the two I feel like the Me262 is a better plane than the yak, but 0.3 of a BR higher.

To be fair the He-162 doesn’t have it that easy either. You are fast and can run, yes. But without speed you are quickly turned into toast. It needs a calm passive hand, which only few have and even then I feel like it needs experience to exploit people’s mistakes to be “effective”.

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Triggered much?

And if we are playing show and tell, want me to show the nice audience you bullying a player to quit the game cause he got more kills than you?

Especially the homophobic remark?

Or better yet want me to do a side by side comparison of your comments on how any team killing is not justified only for you to turn around and justify it in another post?

I don’t mind dude, I’ll bring all the smoke

Just leave it 7.0 but give the A-1a (iirc the only one with a ground spawn) the interceptor spawn because it takes SO long to get up to speed. I’m not on board to see a bunch of these in 5.7 props.

Which 262?

The ones at 7.0 shouldnt go any lower than they already are. Hard enough to deal with those in an uptier as it is.

The ones with airspawn, definetly cannot go any lower and are boarderline OP at their current BR for bomber hunting

The one at 8.0. No idea, probably need to, but more due to compression than anything else

It sounds like you are not setting up your engagements.

I’ll give you an example. The p38 suffers from the same problem as the me 262. It can’t outrun certain planes, poor turn rate, amazing guns in the nose. I manage about 3-5 kills in the plane due to me setting up the engagement.

I set up overshoots and get snap shots, side climb to get alt on the remaining planes, and force head-on where I can. And if you find your team mostly gone by then, consider it a target rich environment.

By then you enemy will be low, slow, and out of ammo, get yours and don’t worry about winning to much.

Nah its definitely pretty bad, but it’s not because its overtiered. It’s rather that gaijin has decided to undertier other planes that have removed its capability to compete.

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The P-38s have airspawns and very good climbrates. The G is a sealclubbing simulator in particular.

Neither of these things are true for the 262.

As I said, you can’t effectively set up engagements against aircraft better than yours unless every enemy is a worse pilot than you.


Yeah I think it should be 6.3-6.7 BR (the night fighter with 2 cannons at 6.3).

The only detail of the Me-262 is that unlike the MiG-9 it has a good FM that keeps speed, it just doesn’t have anything backing that up.

Uh, what? The 262s are pretty well outperformed by their contemporaries in every regard, especially in regards to the armament.

The cannon’s velocities are so poor basically everyone else can outshoot the 262 even in a head-on and pull off before any of the shells connect. Trying to chase someone and lead shots for contact is an exercise because of the poor velocity, not to mention the 262s aren’t great at turning or rolling. Not to mention the 262s climb rate is very middlin’ and the F-84s easily outclimb them.

The 262s aren’t the worst aircraft in the game in terms of fighter/attacker but they’re not in a good place, either. It’s a compression issue.


name a jet thats worse than the 262 at 7.0

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You do realize the 2 cannon 262 is considered better than the 4 cannon one even in a 1v1 because you still have 2x30mm and yet you gain flight performance which is what is sorely needed here?

Also, you’re just straight up saying “lets compress the game more and make props a living hell because this one jet suffers”

This is also just wrong cause for example MiG-9L is better than the Me-262 in just about every single way including and by a LOT: Speed, accel, etc

Me 262 in 2024, he did just fine, maybe just learn to fly better

Watch a guide, learn the swallow

Just because you and I can do okay in the 262 doesn’t mean that it’s competitive. It genuinely is one of, if not THE, easiest to kill early jet in the 6.0-7.0 and 6.7-7.7 BR brackets.


*Watches video seeing a me 262 shoot down 3 jets in under 10 seconds, f 86 dying like flies to it and dominating head one, says it’s not competitive *

Sure bro, sure 🙄

Anybody can profit off of fighting bots or players who are bad enough to be bots. Literally doesn’t mean anything in any context.