The grom-1 should be put back in the game i feel since it was added to the dev server and we had time to use the grom-2 and the American variants like the gbu39/B and the China variant the LS-6 bombs i think they should bring them back there not that over powered and at top tier why should we care if people want to use it to bomb its not like u see 75% bombing unless ur at 12.3 and blow bombing were its a nightmare just to try to get a base when there is only4 base until u get to 12.3 and above and u may get 5 bases in a match to bomb and with the devs testing new bomber’s i think it would be a good time to add it back and see how it will change the battle field in air/ground so yea what’s ur guys opinion on the matter should they add back the grom-1 or no feed back is really great full u guys can do it please and thx
In Simulator battles should be a devastating weapon, considering that is almost not possible to players that doesn’t focus on air-to-air engagements to be a target of a missile 100 km or more alway, should be a good way to obtain points in ground attack roles and keep distance from the others.
fair point tho but at the br 13.3 for sim for the su-34 most people just missiles spam or they go low and fast to the bases to spawn and ur only able to take put out one 1 base and ur only able to carry 7 grom-1s last time i check and it takes all 7 to destroy one base so it wouldn’t be that good tho and u just be trying to land after u fire tho but i see ur point
Not until they can be balanced in such a way that it doesnt just totally break the game or add equivalents to everyone else,
The thing you fail to acknowledge is that GBU-39s are glide bombs, which the SU-34 has in the form of the Grom 2 `and heck, not everyone even has that much at top tier at the moment.
The rocket motor on the Grom 1 gave them a range and stand-off ability that was simply unmatched. The sheer ability to take off, hard climb and fire and then RTB is rather rediculous and there would be little counter in a gamemode like ASB other than spawn camping.
yea and ur only able to take out one base and top tier more then 70% at 13.0 plus are on the big maps and it takes like 5 min just to get a kill with it on those maps if u do what ur saying and ur still able to be shot down and u might just get maybe 2-3 base per match and its not that bad
1. Other Countries Balance - Argument makes no sense, other countries don’t have EF-2000, Rafale or Pantsir either yet their in the game even more OP than a glide bomb with a booster? Did you put up a fuss about those being added as well?
2. Game Balance - When your like first put up a fuss it was already proven that planes can still reach the points well before Grom-1. Plus top-tier matches progress at such a pace that by the time you take-off again and climb to drop altitude you’ll have a MICA or AIM-120 flying at you already.
3. Grom-1 Itself - Other countries did not invest in a similar system, so it shouldn’t be added to the Russian tree? Why don’t we do that with all the unique weapon systems and make everyone use the same thing, there’s clearly not enough copy-paste in the game already. Ground RB you can literally just drive out of the way because it’s GNSS.
Last time I checked, the EF-2000 and Rafale couldnt take off, and hit a base cross map as they are currently missing the weapon system required to do so. In fact the EFT is easily much much weaker in A2G than the Su-30, Su-34, Rafale and F-15E at the moment due to its heavily nerfed A2G performance.
Yes, I hate the Pantsir as no other nation has yet to get an equal after nearly 3 years.
You are failing to take into account Air Sim, with near permament targets in the form of the airfields. But even in ARB, on the dev server you had people spawning in firing off the Grom 1s and then J-ing out and still getting base kills. I dont think you appreciate just how much range the boosters get and besides. Grom-2s work just as well if you want a stand-off weapon, better because they have a bigger warhead
We do have similar weapons. EFT for example could be equipped with Storm Shadow or Taurus. Given the fact the Soviets have literally the best A2G weapon in the game by a long long way. the KH-38. I dont really see why you need the Grom-1 for GRB. In ARB/ASB it was completely OP and broken
There are other gamemodes besides Ground RB. They werent removed because of their performance in GRB but because of their performance in ARB and especially ASB.
Well warthunder had ground mode but it’s overrun by jets with IR missiles, to be honest there’s no tank mode at the moment. Just air vs air and air vs tank mode.We’re getting jets after jets after jets more than a year.
Grom-1s removal had absolutely nothing to do with Ground modes and therefore complaining about CAS is totally irrelevant. They were removed exclusively due to their performance in ARB/ASB.
That being said. Im still waiting for my A2G payload to not be nerfed because of tanks and would actually like some of the IRL performance of aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 and Typhoon FGR4 for ASB one of these days. But alas, tankers take priority
You could pin my message as off topic but I don’t use bombs when i play air rb, it’s too boring after 5.3 br. If it had negative impact on the game just lower the base bombing objective points.
No. It has a rocket motor and sustainer which gives it incredible standoff capability, and better TTI than most actual cruise missiles that rely on a turbojet for their sustained flight.