Should the Grom-1 be added back in the march update? yes or no

It doesn’t matter that they “can”.

They haven’t. And until they do there is no reason to allow the Grom-1 to exist on its own in WT.

it would not be that over powered tho

In SB, you owuld have nothing but Su-34s (and other carriers) taking off with min fuel and no other weapons, hard climbing, targeting an AF, spamming off Grom-1s and RTB’ing to repeat again. They would be unstoppable without camping all the enemy AFs to stop them,

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yea and they could make it so then the bases have SPAA systems at the base work so they can actually be able to target missiles and bombs coming at the base tho and the aircraft ships do the same thing

And that is just shooting at AFs. Shooting at the bombing points which are closer requires even less launch altitude/speed. The cycling time of this tactic would be immense and undefendable, while posing nearly no risk to the launch aircraft.


Yup, the new map target feature even makes it a potentially dangerous weapon in GRB as well.

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what if they added C-RAM trucks to bases?

thats a good idea to add

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Maybe, but then I would still vote for all nations to get comprable long ranged cruise missiles at the same time then. Rather than being a 1 nation exclusive


they already shown us the s-300 and the patriot missiles sytems they could add it with cwis too for protecting bases

does anyone have SLAM counterparts or will have to jump to Taurus/Storm Shadow/JASSM-ER

That is something I think will be necessary in the future anyway, but fact is it’s not happening with this update so neither should Grom-1s

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fair enough

fair point

I have no idea. I think PGMs are meant to have a GPS guided mode which are meant ot have about 50km range. But I dont think the Tornado Or Typhoon for example used anything with that sort of 100km range margin except for Spear-3s which wouldnt be much use vs bases.

But given the current map sizes. The extra 500ish km range the Storm Shadow would have over the Grom-1s is largely irrelevant

yea ur right

so theyd just have to jump to JASSM and Storm Shadow.

can anything that carries Storm Shadow or Taurus take out a base in one go? and does it take 5 1,000lb bomb to destroy base?

Tornado Gr4 can take out a base with 5x Mk13 1000lb bombs and can carry up to 12 Mk13s. Likewise it can take out a base with 3x PGM-2000s (its max load) It can also carry up to 4 Storm Shadows. How they will tune the damage for osmething like Storm Shadow is anyones guess at this moment

Typhoon can take out a base with 10x PW4s (its max load of PW4s) or with other combos of weapons, its also missing multiple GBU options including a 2k GBU which would be effective

but if they do add that big of a map they should make it so the ai spaa missile systems on the map like the s-300/patriot systems can be able too fire at others teams fox 1/3 missiles it sees in the sky and glide bombs and rocket bombs like the shadow and grom1 and the radar jammer pods then too