Should the A10C be 11.7 or 11.3? (GRB)

I feel the A10C at 12.0 is utterly useless when the SU24,SU25T,AV8B(NA),F111 can pretty much out perform it in almost every where way. Let me explain.

The A10C’s only useful weaponry are the Mavericks, apkws (good against light armor), and 9m. Why? At top tier, the best way to stay safe from spaa, is to be at distance. Guided bombs can be useful, but you need speed. The A10 doesn’t have that which requries it being launched at a closer distance. That to, the GPU need to be guided in until it reaches it’s target (it doesn’t have iog). If it does get JDAMS then it will be useful for popping up and down.

The issue with it’s good load out is that it isn’t even that good. the mavericks are decent (even after damage buff) but what’s the point if it can’t hit it’s target. The mavericks suffer from the same issue as the hellfire. It looses energy fast and becomes inaccurate at distance. Again if the a10 was fast, the mavericks wouldn’t suffer as much.

The F111 would be a better choice. It’s fast, also has MAW, and can carry ir guided bombs. Yes you get less flares, and 9L but at this br, it doesn’t matter.

The SU24 has a lot better stand off capability (KH29TE), faster, and has weaponry that can pack a much bigger punch.

The same goes for the SU25T. but you sacrifice a bit of speed (still faster than A10) for a lot more guided weaponry.

The AV8B NA is at 11.3 is just good. 4 mavericks or JDAMS, really good targeting pod placement, 4 laser guided mavericks. or 10 JADMS.

Most likely the A10 is not finished yet but as of right now, it is not 12.0 material.


I say give it an air spawn and put it at 11.7 Air RB, and then 11.0 GRB (or 11.3+ if it gets better standoff weapons).


No lower than 11.3, ideally 11.7 or higher. But it’s tricky to place. if it wasn’t for the bad compression and the existance of the Pantsir it should be higher.

The thought of dealing with an A10C with either an ADATS or Tornado F3 is one thing, but dealing with one in the Stormer AD, Stormer HVM or Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.3 is another entirely.


The A-10C could have further access to;

  • 6x JDAM (500 & 2000lb class, GBU-38 & -31), and later L-, ER- & P- JDAM variants
  • an improved TPOD (Sniper ATP)
  • 4x BRU-61/A adapters which would permit a total of 16x SDB-I, -II or AGM-187A to be carried.

If it is found lacking there are certainly options to help tip the scales if need be

A10C could be better for 11.7 if there are JDAMS, but if we get BR decompression it would be way more fun anyhow.

A10C should be at 12.3 same as SM3. Both come with thermals, but A10C carry more armament and 4 9Ms instead of just two R73. Which is worse missile anyway. A10C also come with HMD, when SM3 has quite limited angles. Best case, put it at 12.0, but not at 11.3. A jet with 4 9Ms shouldnt face jets with no flares. Its just wrong.


Should be moved to 11.7-12 in air and 11.7 in ground.

11.3 in GRB is too low - AGM65D/G and gen 3 TGP, MAW and 9Ms mean it shouldn’t be able see a 10.3 game. It’s more capable than any 11.3 ground attacker, even if slow.

If you’re talking about ARB, I’m all for it. Otherwise, absolutely not. Quantity does not equate to quality. 3/4 of it’s armaments are useless.

The mavericks and apkws are the only useful armements there is. Even that, is debatable when comparing it to other aircraft. The apkws is useful against light tanks so it’s very situational. The mavericks are decent (even after damage buff) but what’s the point if it can’t hit it’s target. The mavericks suffer from the same issue as the hellfire. It looses energy fast and becomes inaccurate at distance. Again if the a10 was fast, the mavericks wouldn’t suffer as much. the mavericks are more of a short to medium range weaponry.

JDAMS are good however, it requires you playing up and close which is extremely risky (at any br)

The entire aam arguments in grb gets thrown out of the window when you are facing the LAV, Strela, weasels, type 81, and etc. All the vehicles can be brought in for the fraction of the cost, and can carry more missiles. HMD doesn’t matter in grb, especially when it’s an a10. It’s already maneuverable

Bringing in a thermal pod will sacrifice the triple launcher pylon (can only carry 4 mavs).

But what really hurts the A10 is the speed.

The SM3 is just better for CAS. It can carry 4 extremely good agms and can be launched from the outside of spaa’s engagement range. It can carry two extra agms but is more of a medium range missile.

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Half of what you just said is wrong. Yes, SU25SM3 does indeed come with 4 powerful missiles, however A10C also capable of striking AA beyond their range, as it been tested on DEV server. It can be done by dropping bombs from high altitude, or using mavericks(thanks to Litening pod, it can fire missiles from 25km, and be highly effective at 12-20km). As for having to choose between AGM-65D and Litening, its a reportable bug, and probably will be fixed soon.

So lets summarize, compared to SU25SM3(which is 1.0 br higher), A10C has better air-to-air missiles, has 2 more air-to-air missiles, almost twice as much countermeasures, has jdams, has HMD, can carry up to 17 laser guided bombs, carry 2 more TV missiles, A10C also has a much better cam angles, when sm3 is quite limited.
So the only advantage of SM3 would be speed, and arguably Kh-38MT, which can’t be fired further than 20KM, unless using ML version(can’t turn away to other direction cause of angles, and cant lock the target in sights) which needs to be guided in sight mode the whole time, when flying right at the target.

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If you’re talking about Air RB, then you gotta read what I said again. I’m specifically talking about Ground RB and it’s CAS capability. But if you’re talking about Ground RB, then lets talk

Incorrect. There’s big difference between capable and reliable. Regardless of the range on the stat card, the mavericks are not a stand off weapon (in game). It is a short to medium range missile. It’s optimal range is ultimately depending on the speed, altitude of the plane that is launching it and the movement of the target. The problem with maverick being called a long range weapon is that it loses significant speed. If the target is completely stationary, the maverick will hit, but as soon as it moves, the chance of hitting it reduces a lot. A byproduct of that issue is the time it takes to hit the target. Long range launches will take significant time. In that time, it can easily be intercepted, target gets into cover, or target dies.

This is a known fact by everyone who has played the mavericks extensively. Also the lightning bug report was denied as it’s historically accurate according to TO 1A-10C-1.

Again, let me emphasize, AAM don’t matter because there are spaa that can do the same thing or better for a fraction of the cost. Using bombs are extremely risky since you have to use it at a close range to spaa. Cam angle rarely matter, especially when you’re launching it way out of range from spaa. And because the KH38 is fast, you don’t have to spend a lot of time guiding the missile.

If you have actually played it, you will know that the height and speed at which A10 was just born from the air can allow AGM65 to shoot up to a distance of 10km. The 12.0 BR makes it almost impossible for the A10C to be shot down by the Pantsir S1 as soon as it appears, while the KH38MT can be hit in the theater from birth. As for the 9M issue, if Gajin believes that the A10C can hold 4 9m engines and the AV8b can hold 4 9l engines in one ABR, then GBR at 12.0 is completely unreasonable. The AV8B/NA is almost indistinguishable from the A10C in land warfare, as most of the A10C’s military equipment cannot be used.
Anyway, I don’t think A10C should be at 12.0

The real BR of 10C should be 11.3 so its’ll be able to play without S1 sometimes.


Come again? So this dude able to shoot from long range and get kills while evading missiles, at you can not? Sounds like a skill issue

I can only say that AV8b is better than A10 when shooting AGM65, and it only works at 11.3.
I checked your resume and found out that you only play in the CCCP, and your performance is average. It’s no wonder you think a10c is going to go to 12.3. To put it simply, you haven’t played a10 yourself.

I dont need to play A10C to say that its overpowered. The simple fact that A10C has to face jets without flares while having 4 9Ms already sound like a bad joke.

As for my profile, I have fully researched USSR, yes. I also researched all Israeli jets, and half the US jets. Not that it has any value in this discussion.

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Funny how you didn’t even respond to my counter points which is telling. Why are you trying to deflect the argument to it’s AA capabilities when we are talking about GRB? AA capabilities don’t matter when there are spaa systems that can do the same or better job than the a10 at the equal or lower br. I can bring the same argument towards the SU25T, SU24M and etc.

When it comes to the A10’s CAS capabilities, it comes no where near as close to SM3, it is more on par with the SU25T and SU24M.

Maybe hes not on the forums at the moment, you replied to a message that was 14h old and expected a response within 20 minutes

I was referring to the message I sent 2 days: Should the A10C be 11.7 or 11.3? (GRB) - #11 by HondaCivici

My original statement was about it having 11.3 air br, and you agreed with me on that. So I didnt answer you any further.

Maybe say that because this thread is discussing the A10C’s BR specifically for GRB. And the person you’re arguing with ,@ARMA_MACIRE, is rightfully assuming that you’re talking about it’s BR for GRB.