Should Russia receive the R-77 if NATO nations get the AMRAAM?

Listen, you can guide it if you want to. One thing DCS taught me abut Fox 3s is fire and forget about it.

Buddy, where did you get 40Gs from

lol lmao even…
R-77 isn’t 40G.

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Watch as they find some obscure source that gives it 40G
Meanwhile “they require primary source explicitly stating exact overload for AMRAAM” in order to fix he 25G pull


Russian missiles have never over-performed in War Thunder.
They’ve either been at-level or underperforming.
The underperforming is almost always the identical reason AIM-9J underperformed for a number of years: Lack of info.

BTW R-60Ms underperform, as do AIM-9Ls.
But here we are; oh and it’s not exclusive to War Thunder. DCS has simulation inaccuracies in a number of areas.
Simulators aren’t perfect.

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Going off of sources mentioned here talking about the R-77 being able to hit targets that are doing 12G maneuvers, in addition to discussions of the drag profile of the R-77 compared to the AIM-120A/B and the AIM-7’s and the fact that the R-77 uses grid fins.

No I’m on your side, I’m saying that the US should at the very least get the AIM-120C-5. If it gets anything earlier than that the R-27ER will just win against the missile anyways.


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C5? The equivalent of that is R77M or maybe lets just add R37, that one might be a bit more balanced


The very fact that you dont need to guide the missile until the target puts ANY AMRAAM above ANY Fox 1 missile. Main problem here is skill issue and butthurt, not the missiles

Buddy, skill issue does not account for bad modelling of the sparrow-m nor does it account for the batshit OP’ness of the R-27ER. Learn to use words before you start rambling about words not even in the dictionary.

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Learn the difference between a Fox 1 and Fox 3 before making dumb threads

R-77-1 is the AIM-120C equivalent.
Your posts claim that Russia made better missiles when they didn’t.

R-27ER isn’t OP and has never been OP.

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I’m sorry, but this is pretty laughable. The R-77M has a maximum range of 193km, a lock range of 25km, and maneuverability on par with the R-77 (so able to hit targets maneuvering at 12G, and an overload 40G or more). The first AIM-120 to have a similar range and possibly similar lock is the AIM-120C8/D, which it has a maximum range of 160-180km, improved lock range over the AIM-120C-5 (although people in the Modern ARH thread haven’t provided sources to say how much more), and even then it still has less overload/maneuverability.

Suggesting the R-37 also is comparable to the AIM-120C-5 is crazy, the R-37 goes Mach 5 or 6, has a maximum range of 300km, has a 40km lock range, and at least 25G of maneuverability. It’s literally just an R-27ER on steroids, to which the R-27ER will still reach a target in BVR before any AIM-120 (to my knowledge). The real equivalent to the R37 is the AIM-260 JATM, although we only know that it can go Mach 5 and has a range of 200-260km+.

My man the R-27ER is better in every way except for two things only: the type of seeker and the guidance time, of which it still has a guidance time of 60 seconds. Its got 1.8M more maximum velocity, its got near 10km more lock range, all while having the same overload. All you need to do with the R-27ER to beat the AIM-120 is fire within the first third (32% to be exact) of its flight time.

Why? What does any AIM-120 before then have that makes them comparable to the R-77?

That they are comparable the AIM120C-5 is much better then the R77

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In what way? It’s not maneuverability, not lock range, not maximum velocity, not minimum range - literally the only the the AIM-120C-5 has going for it is 25km more launch range. If you pick any AIM-120 variant before the AIM-120C-5, then that single advantage in terms of launch range is gone.

“It’s never been OP” I will… ahh I won’t even. Just shut up

The mere fact that you think that wikipedia knows anything reliably in regard to these missiles that are still in use is laughable.R27ER has head on that big range that you are talking about but at least according to wikipedia in rear aspect it drops down to 16km which is AIM 7 territory. That implies also that R27ER doesnt really like to turn much and due to its huge wings is better suited for high alt. 8km+.
Yes AIM 120s are better in that you can launch and go cold immediately. If paired with lets say a grinder you are literally untouchable because your opponent is constantly evading and you can push him however you want.
If the enemy gets the same capability than its a different story and needs to be played differently but since Air RB is a shitfest anyway I dont even see the point in me arguing over all this because not a single living soul in WT will use any of the rockets as it should

Oh and R37, yeah that was a joke dont worry

Oh one more thing. F16C lets say block 50 can track 6 targets at the same time and shoot at iirc 3 at the same time whereas Fox 1 is STT ONLY! One more reason why your arguement is really bad on every possible level.

Tf, I was referencing the thread dedicated to discussing Modern ARH’s. I’m literally just referencing what is properly sourced in that thread.

My man I was talking about maximum range, as in you shoot it straight forward and it goes until it runs out of battery/guidance. Any missile in rear aspect will have a ‘lower range’ because the relative distance is smaller because the missile and target are moving in the same direction. The AIM-7F/M is similar, it has a maximum range of 100km in a straight line, which is what maximum range is.

But if an R-27ER is shot within the first third of the flight time of the AIM-120 then it will hit first, and since the R-27ER can lock first it will have the advantage in that way as well. Adding any AIM-120’s before the AIM-120C-5 should be done without adding any other ARH missiles besides ones actually comparable to them (i.e. literally none of the Russian ARH missiles), and they should’ve been in the game since the R-27ER was added.

Shooting anything at max range and the probability of it killing anything is pretty much zero so thats out of question. Lets say 2 F16s vs 2 Su27s at 7km alt. at about 80km from eachother they both fire (1 aircraft each). F16 goes cold after launch and Su27 cranks but keeps his alt. second F16 aims for the first Su27 and pushes him. Thats when second Su27 goes for the second F16 and first F16 goes for the second Su27. First Su27 is being pushed by the second F16 and second Su27 gets pushed by the first F16. It all ends in two Su27s running away from the F16s because F16 can disengage but the missile due to being Fox 3 keeps the last known data of position of enemy aircraft and goes live when at certain distance from the last known data. That also starts blaring all sorts of warnings in the 27 and if oyu are still in the area it will lock on you and smack your ass back to Leningrad