You know what would fix everything? Removing the arbitrary grind.
The only researchable attachments should be ammunition belts, better missiles, and other ordnancea. There shouldn’t have to be a grind for countermeasures, or a grind for G-suits. It should be automatic.
Also reducing the price of each plane. Obviously they are able to do 50% for required RP and SL, that should become the new standard.
I guarantee you, that will fix your whining: because not everyone wants to spend every moment of every day sweating. Base bombing is the most consistent way to grind. It doesn’t mean it’s a skill issue, it just means they want to skip a meaningless grind. I’m top tier in four nations. I have Sweden, China, Israel, and Russia all the way at 12.0 (Ground), 13.7-14.0 (Air). I could honestly care less about “proving” myself and grinding every individual plane to appease someone crying about “muh team won’t play like me”
they already have a reduction on reward how many bombs you carry, I’m sure they can scale ticket bleed the same way.
I think a target/ type reward multiplier might also be an idea so lets say:
Fighter: 3x reward/ ticket bleed for air kill
1.5x for ground/ base kills
Attacker: 1.5x for air (maybe 2x for ground spawners, but people abusing attacker air spawn was the reason they spawn on the ground @8.7+ so we need to avoid that at lower ranks, and if its fixed at higher they might get air spawn back)
3x for ground
1.5 or 2x for base
Bomber: 3x base
2x ground
1x air
the 1x for air kills on bombers is to stop things like the B7a2 that just kill other bombers. they could also adjust it so B2A2, TBD, T18B etc get reduced air kill reward and the big 4 engine heavies get a higher one, depends how in depth they wanna go with it.
Gaijin deposits a certain wealth on each map. They are not going to increase it. If they increase the number of bases, they will reduce the reward per base. And even then, the slow attackers will get nothing. That is why I suggested option 4 as a variant, that would work better than your idea.
i wouldnt say we should remove weapons form any planes that are historical accurate, but like some of those before me already said, we should get a reward system for fullfilling tasks or a multipler, bombers get a high reward for destroying bases, attacker get a medium reward for bases but a high rewad for groundtargets like SPAA, Pillboxes etc , and fighter get a high multipler for attacking planes medium reward for groundtargets and a low rewad for attacking bases. Over all i hope we get better RP boosters but maybe lower the reward for doing not your job → so if you full fill your task you should get more rp and sl as you get at the moment but if you dont do so you should get less. But all in all the outcome out of battles should increase
Small addition: fighters should get a bigger reward for successful attacking other fighters and a smaller one for strike craft or bombers. First of all in RP, SL is less important.
maybe there should be a differece between fighters designatet to fight fighters like yak 9/3, Bf 109, Zero, Spitfire, P 51 and fighters designatet to fight bombers etc like Ta 154, P 38 etc, maybe there could be also a bonus for escort fighters like P38 etc for defending bombers, so staying in a area close to the bomber and a reward at the end of the mission if the bomber didnt get destroyed by an enemy
Yeah, I used general multipliers for the simplest examples, but if Gaijin was willing to put the time in they could assign multipliers based on historic role, for example the MIG-15-BIS-ISH is a fighter that was modified for ground attack, you could give it a 2.5x mod for ground targets and air kills and a 1x for bases or things like the A-10/ SU25 with all aspect IRs at low rank get 0.5x for air and 5x for ground so they stop hunting flare less planes for air kills and actually ground pound… then maybe they could get their air spawn back.
i think there should be also a rework for attackers about reward and type of groundtargets, because at the moment you have to fly a lot of straves against grounddtagets to get a good reward and you need a lot of small weapons, but if we would get bigger pilboxes that cant be killed with small weapons but give also if killed a huge amout of rp it would make sence to take missiles like kh 29 etc with you. so you could fly more tacktical
Thats not a bad idea, the highest RP ground targets currently are T55 medium tanks and pillboxes and the pillboxes are rare, especially at high BRs, putting in targets that require heavy ordnance to kill would be great or and you just gave me this idea… bases on the out sides of the map with heavy air defense that either requires multiple strikes to take out the defenses or the use of A LOT long range stand off weapons to take out, but their destruction gives MASSIVE bonuses to the team that kills them!
In this case, it makes sense to give bonuses to the enemy defending such an object for his successful actions. Otherwise, it will turn out that our entire team will fly to destroy the enemy object and vice versa, since this is the most profitable.
i really like this idea, because i would really like to use also havy and guided ammunition in Air RB but at the moment it makes no sence because they are to expensive and you cant take enoth with you. I mean those are weapons mounted on planes but only ground RB player really could use them and a Air only player has no use for those weapons