Im currently in britain 5.3 br with the challenger and comet 1. After numerous games ive found that Sabot does comparatively less spalling than APCBC. Is it best to stick to APCBC from here to higher brs instead of sabot ?
APCBC primarily only use APDS on things you really cannot penetrate. Think mantlets of tigers etc. Donβt shoot anything angled with APDS either.
Yep, like @Rileyy3437 said: If itβs an uptier take more APDS than APCBC to penetrate targets more reliable. In a downtier take more APCBC because its penetration will be enough in this case and APCBC produces more spalling.
APDS has more BS problems such as over frequent shell shatters and near to no spalling but its a lot more forgiving in where you shoot. I only take APDS on vehicles with it because the higher pen lets me disable easier