Should Great Britain Australian M1A2 Abrams?

So Great Britain has a few Australian vehicles. This year Australia received the “M1A2 SEP V3.” So I thought that Great Britain should get a Australian M1A2 Abrams. I will make this as a suggestion. Any thoughts?

Австралия намерена приобрести танки M1A2 SEPv3 «Абрамс»


Colonial plays in veins?

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As an Australian I support this idea, I honestly prefer that all our equipment end up in the British Tech Tree over going to other nations (I hate the fact that the AIM ended up in the US Tech Tree).




Why? The Americans created the AIM Missiles though.

Yeah, commonwealth vehicle should go to GB. Can’t wait for America to get my A-4K Skyhawk /s

Er… depends who you ask:

If you ask the British purists they’d probably go “hell no” - they just want Challenger 2 buffs

If you ask the people who want Aussies in one tree, answer is “please!”

And if you ask the cherry picking Brits they’d also probably say yes - seeing as Gaijin won’t buff Chally 2s.

Honestly I’m not convinced it should go to us, but equally Aussies probably want all their stuff in one tree. It’d make sense for it to go to the US tree since, that’s where the other Aussie Abrums is.

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We dont need australian




You can get the Polish M1A1 FEP and M1A2 SEPv3 like there is already a Polish Sherman Firefly in that tree.

Except Poland doesn’t really have anything to do with the UK after ww2. They put the Leo 2pl in the germany tree so by logic the Abrams would be in the US tree, its country of origin?

Poland just needs its own branch 🤷‍♂️


Not every nation needs a tree or sub-tree. Polish and Australian vehicles can be in different trees.



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I thought the shrug emoji would be enough indication that I’m just putting my thoughts out there, but you feel the need to waste my time with such an unnecessary comment. Gaijin can put the vehicles where they damn please, of course I know that

Wasting your time is my favorite pastime though 🤷‍♂️.

This ship has sailed so there’s not much point.

Would have made more sense in the British tree than the T-90S so there’s that.

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Personally I would have preferred the Australian Abrams AIM to have been added in the British TT instead of the Indian T-90, I may be wrong but I think we will not see any Australian Abrams in the British TT in the future.


Nop stop adding small nations, countries that have a lot of vehicles and so much more to add, small nations should get a common tree, after so many years of playing I have nothing to do in wt with the desire to see several countries merged into one big one, not another copy paste to fr or uk

this is just a discussion to whether or not aussie abrams should be in UK or US tree.


Maybe if Gaijin modeled British tanks in correctly in the first place we wouldn’t have this issue now would we. Somehow they weigh upwards of 10-20 tons more than their counterpart MBT’s at the same BR but have less protection than them… righttt

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