Should Gaijin stop Copy-Paste vehicles, for tech trees that has domestic designs?

It is true that it would be interesting to prioritize vehicles from the same country, but in many cases, copy and paste tanks are logical since they are vehicles that were used in that country in quite a few quantities. The only thing I would ask of gaijin is that they are going to make copy and paste so that at least the decorations change, it is not funny to see an American tank with some bags in the tower and the same tank in France with the same bags in the same place, unless they change things. Another clear case It would be the Swedish Centurion MkX, which should be different from the British one, since they have the headlights in different places, apart from having some metal pieces on the front and a Swedish machine gun in the tower.


I don’t mind C&P anymore. I used to dislike it but it’s fine now after all a nation used it at the end of the day? But domestic stuff should always be first. and if it’s someone else’s it should be added under their flag as well as the original nation. (both the Netherlands and Canada have aircraft in game missing a version under their flag despite being their planes and I bet there are other examples elsewhere in game)

But a good question is “What is C&P?”

I see so many people call variants or modified vehicles C&P. yet I believe they are unique vehicles. Same thing with licenced-built stuff people would call them C&P despite someone else building them.


C&P in my opinion is a 1-1
Copy of a vehicle in another tree with only a reskin


Best choice : domestic designs. If domestic designs exist, they should really be the first option.

Second choice: Modified vehicle. Modified vehicle is not C&P to me, even if its just visually and don’t bring new firepower/armor/other (but better if that’s the case).

Last choice: pure C&P. I don’t like C&P, specially if one of the 2 previous option exist. BUT if there is importants gaps, and nothing can be done about it, then logical C&P are ok.

C&P on something when domestic design exist, and there is no gap/need for it should not be done at all.

I’m all for the nations to remain the most original possible. What the point to play X nation with vehicle from X, if you can found vehicle from X and Y in the Y nation.


Thats not a 47mm, its a 13.2mm hotchkiss, oh amd the Stuart had a .50 + a .30

There was definitely a cannon-armed and MG-armed version supplied to China. However, the cannon could also possibly be a 37mm, I am just honestly just going off of the old forum suggestion as info on this tank is scarce. There is a 13.2mm Hotchkiss version as well, which is what the tank encyclopedia article focuses on.

As for the Stuart I’m aware it uses a 50. cal, as it tends to be the weapon of choice for reconnaissance conversions. I presume the 30. cal you’re talking about is the hull mg, which as you may know Gaijin usually doesn’t make functional.