Should Gaijin stop Copy-Paste vehicles, for tech trees that has domestic designs?

You are correct, and the Finnish L-62 ANTI II is not is actual name, its actually named ItPsv 41
And it should look like this, not have the current incorrect Swedish skins:

Although Gaijin will definitely remove the Swastika

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And the ZSU-57-2 is designated: Ps 461



I completely agree with this tocis. A tree in which we play vehicles that are put there to plug holes or that are just copied and pasted is useless. I made a topic some time ago on this and on the harm that adding sub-trees does to the game, the Italian tree no longer makes sense, the same for Sweden


Yea, id suggest having the C&P Vehicles Sweden currently has until we get the Domestic or heavily modified designs from Norway, Finland, Denmark, Austria(since most of our export tech went to them)

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I don’t mind C&P vehicles in minor nations, as they serve the purpose of filling gaps and providing some capabilities they might otherwise lack.

Also, even though they are C&P, the machines might still have some sentimental value. As a Norwegian I’d love to have Norwegian operated M48, M24, M8 Greyhound, etc. in Sweden for example. Of course I could play these vehicles in USA TT, but then I couldn’t include these in a common lineup with Leopard 1A5NO for example.

I imagine the same goes for Canadian, Dutch, Australian, and basically any other nationality.

The only problem I see with including too many C&P vehicles is the repetitive grind, especially if you’ve already researched the same M48 or T-54 five times in other tech trees. That’s why I propose that if you’ve researched an identical vehicle already, then you will get a discount for the research and purchase cost. “Identical” has some room for interpretation, but you get my meaning here. For example T-54 in Finland and USSR, they’re functionally identical.

Researching a frequently copy pasted vehicle:
1st time = 0% RP and SL discount
2nd time = 50% RP and SL discount
3rd time = 75% RP and SL discount
4th time = 100% RP and SL discount

Let’s face it, by the 4th time researching the same vehicle, you deserve to have it for free IMO.


Ive said this before and ill say it again:

So in short, stop adding C&P vehicles without any major modification so there is actually a reason to play other TTs

Oh, definitely I want those as well, and it’s of course preferable to C&P.

My opinion on C&P versus unique vehicles isn’t one or the other, I want both.

Since C&P takes little to no effort to make, it can be added alongside the unique vehicles with no issue.

My main criticism of Gaijin’s handling of this issue so far, is that they’ve used C&P as an excuse not to add unique things.


My issue with C&P vehicles is simply that it removes the unique element from TTs Hey, why play USA if you can play Sweden with its Sherman’s and Norway’s m48s and Finland’s F18, and so on. This is why im generally against Trialled vehicles.

Only sherman im in favor for addition to the Swedish TT is the Danish: M4A3E4

But i agree that Copy-paste vehicles would be cool as long as its a modification that is country specific. That makes it unique. I disagree with plain rip-offs with a new coat of paint slapped on

In the Chinese tree, Gaijin completely replaced the PT-76 with the Object 211. I would much rather see the same done with Finland instead of trying to cram indigenous designs and modifications into the already stuffed subtree.

I’d be perfectly fine seeing subtrees being implemented a few ranks at a time every update, so long as it means I don’t have to go through more bland Shermans and T-34s. Such vehicles as the Comet 20pdr, T-34-85 Stuk 40, and Stug III “Sturmi” with concrete armor, wooden logs, and a proper roof mounted MG are all interesting modifications that should’ve been prioritized over the lazy Finnish line we got instead.


In that case I remember a technical mod argued China didn’t even have that specific version of PT-76 in the first place (and not in the minor model difference like Finnish Charioteer but rather they actually had the PT-76B).

I don’t mind copy paste vehicles, like sure it’s a chore to research the morbillionth ZSU-57-2, but when you finish it, whatever right. I know some people don’t like the proliferation of the same vehicles on multiple sides, but eh, I just don’t really care.

It is annoying when you’re spading or camo grinding, especially when the copy paste vehicle is bad or unfun. Like I wouldnt mind spading 4 Leopard 2A4s, but I do mind spading 4 ZSU-57-2s.

I’m going to say no
There’s already too many wacky prototypes in the game and too many historically significant, mass-produced, active-service vehicles missing
War Thunder is already too much of a vehicle collector simulator instead of the historical vehicle combat simulator that it was meant to be, and hate towards “copy-paste” vehicles only worsens this issue

You do realize it costs them 10k per model right? another thing is, that there often isn’t a good substitute. It’s like trying to compare rice and bread. Their both Grains but are completely different from one another and all have a different way to prepare.

personally, I find late 1980s - modern day vehicle prototypes to be the things that generally sucks to play against.

WW2 - post WW2 vehicles are generally fun and is a blast to play. And mostly aren’t that painful to play against.

This game is long past the point of trying to be a historical vehicle combat sim, the focus has been on prototypes and experimental stuff or modern tech for a while now. Few people are hyped for exported copies or historical lineups anymore, yes there are some, but a majority of the playerbase wants things that offer new gameplay or features. I will agree that mass produced vehicles should be added first, although I believe that most of the notable ones are already present.

Custom battles are still viable platforms for historically accurate gameplay, but multiplayer is just a pitfight where production and prototype vehicle alike are thrown into often unrealistically close engagements. The simulation part is supposed to lie in the vehicles and mechanics themselves, the battles are not supposed to be historical outside of the maps.

Yes, that is a meaningful thing.
At present, more than 50% of China’s TT is still copy and paste.

I also hope to see the M41A3 on the Chinese tree replaced with the Type 64, and the ROC adds an additional armor version to the M41.
Replace M60TTS with CM12, or simply add a CM11 without ERA

At the same time, add more independently developed and produced vehicles.
Starting from Rank 5, Chinese TT no longer has to worry about the shortage of vehicles.
And even lower levels have some options. For example, the WZ132 and obj211 using 76mm guns. There is also a toy with an M113 chassis and an M24 turret.
There are many similar vehicles like this. Those SPGs can also be placed at lower levels.




What the bloody hell is THAT!?

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Just an M24 Chaffee turret on the loveliest APC ever, the M113.

Head changing surgery, haha
Speaking of which, there is another vehicle that I don’t know its origin and there is no information about it
