Should flares be removed from night battles?

When night battles were re introduced with a slider where you can enable and disable them, so that if you were stock you didnt have to play night battles without NVD/Thermals. How ever they left flares in, which when you have night vision on can be very blinding, should they be removed?

  • Remove flares
  • Keep as is (flares still)
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I think that automatic flares should be removed. The flares currently are just constant and it means it means you have to keep switching your devices on and off to not flash bang yourself.

I also think that the option for night battles should be extended to all BR’s. (I’m still salty about the fox losing NVD’s).

I don’t think however that flares should be TOTALLY removed. Id personally suggest a system where you can launch a single flare on a cool down, similar to how artillery works. (Ofc, this launched flare would have to be a first tier modification if not coming stock with the vehicles).

Perhaps scout vehicles could get a shorter cool down or something to make them more worth bringing along.

Give night battles to ALL BRs.

Have flares at BR 1.0 - 6.7. Remove flares at BR 7.0+

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Can’t wait till I actually see a night battle. Haven’t seen a single one this year, even though I would play only night battles if I could and if that was an option.
I loved Air RB night battles.

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