Should F-20A moved to br 12.3 for Air RB

Since F-16A ADF/AJ etc with 4 aim 9L + 2 aim 7M are moving down to br 12.7, does anyone agree that the F-20A should have a lower br than those jets? As it is just a worse F16 with less countermeasures, worse flight model and need to trade 2 aim 9L for 1 aim 7F. Also unable to do anything when uptiered to 13.7.


The F-20 was literally designed as budget/worse F-16, and it reflects those decision ingame. It should be at a lower BR, even a single step will help.


when I think F-20, I also think of the mirage 2000cs4/5 and Mig 21Bison. Yes its missiles can out-range the others and against the typical player 7M/Fs are great, it only gets 2 and unlike the Bison or mirage, doesnt get access to missiles with IRCCM.

It should be 12.3


If the F-20 was like its IRL counterpart and got a 4 sparrow 2 sidewinder loadout then that would warrant a BR increase, but as of now No

The F-20 could never carry 4 sparrows, and never was it intended to do so. The only radar guided missiles it was intended to carry in a set of 4 was the Aim-120, but not the Aim-7.


The F-20A must move to 12.3.

The flight model is good, I really enjoy it, but you only get a total of 45 countermeasures…which is absolutely inadequate at 12.7 or higher.

The AIM-7F tends to surprise in a negative way…even when you have a target properly locked the missile clearly doesn’t know where it is nor where it started nor where it’s going.

On the AIM-9L…I’m glad the F-20A is a premium, which helps you recover the losses from the team kills you rack up because the missile has a tendency to prefer team mates over enemies.

So all in all, at the moment you pay 70€ to get uptiered a lot into Fox 3’s with inadequate missiles yourself and an inadequate amount of countermeasures.


Yes it should

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If I could carry 4 Sparrows man what are you saying?

I can count the brain cells in this thread on one hand


My guy… no…

That books appears to be only a single secondary source, which for gaijin isn’t enough to submit a bug report as they require 2 secondary sources or one primary source. By default, it’s inadequate unless you find a second source to back up this claim.

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You comment only took away more from this dumb discussion

The F-20A got the RWR nerf after the major update, which means that it can no longer identify enemy aircraft from RWR, becoming an even worse F-16A/ADF. I guess it makes perfect sense for them to have the same BR.

the f20 very bad missiles and dysfunctional to br , mig21 bison missiles are much better and 12.3 br .
why so to much nerfed , may be giving to aim7-m really needs this

Aim 7m/f are basically identical.