Should airfield defence aircraft come to air rb?

Basically, should airfield’s get another line of defense in air rb through the form of Defense aircraft?
These a.i. aircraft would circle the airfield and attack anything in a 5-15km radius.

For balance, their difficulty would probably be above average. Enough to kill someone if they don’t fly defensively when close.

This would Make it a choice for the attacking aircraft. To either lose time killing the Defense fighter’s, or risk the airfield aa + the fighter’s to kill the landed player’s.

(could also balance their quantity and type of planes in use)

Airfield defenses already are insane out to 8km. They don’t need any more. Just my opinion


Id like airfield defence to actually work. both at prop BRs and jet BRs I’ve been killed by planes flying over like nothings going on while refueling so many times

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They do need to be more effective.

It’s really not all that hard to attack anyone on the runway with the right strat - this gets even easier when where is terrain cover immediately surrounding the airfield.

That being said I think the issue of people sitting on the runway and being able to J out without the tickets running down is a bigger issue. The game should be registering it as a kill to the closest enemy within the appropriate range.

I don’t know how many times in recent memory that I have been circling within 3k of the enemy plane, watching it spam some flares before Jing out before anyone else can land a hit.

Neh, airfield just need a good anti air defense, I mean improving accuracy. For a defenseless airfield there is the 2nd one closest to the battlefield

So if I want to change my loadout J out will kill me, nice.

You couldn’t twist my comment any harder even if you tried.

Very clear that this behaviour isn’t “just changing my loadout”, it’s abusing game mechanics especially since tickets won’t bleed as a result of this.

I would like if they romove airfield defens so that these skillless players stop camping it

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Currently flying through any anti-air Defences isn’t hard at top tier - it simply matches the reality.

→ if players noticed that when SPAAG players are forced to correct any angles taken by the targeted aircraft, they can simply do the same with AI Anti-Air Defences

In such, changing angles every 2/3 seconds with any aircrafts in a pattern that always get you out of any ammo fired earlier - Spaags are somewhat unable to hit you.

Dodging AI SAM are not difficult too:
1- Terrain is helpful, on many maps.
2- You can also Go over the Bubble of protection then dive in it - AI Radars will then not pick you up until SPAAG spots and fires at you - making you basically within the settled minimal range for SAM (this also works on WWII Airfields somehow)

Flying through Air-Defences Skill only requires methodical knowledge.

But anyway: adding AI aircrafts is no solution.

Switch airfield SPAA from Gepards/Rolands to Pantsirs. Problem (mostly) solved.

The main reason why i want the aircraft is so it’s more rock,paper,scissors.
Basically, not making the airfield aa broken to the point of a 5km no fly zone, while also not making it seem like an after thought.

With the aircraft, It would also give 2 different area’s of balance vs the single all or nothing one we have.

For prop or jet tiers?

Not sure which part you mean but eh

I’m more thinking jet tier’s because at the prop br’s. Their airfield defense is literally a damage over time 4km area. If we got actual flak that worked they way it was supposed to, might add a few defense aircraft then.

For the lower prop br’s, making them less dangerous would help teach player’s that a.i. aircraft may kill you. And their difficulty would increase at higher br’s.

I’d actually be ok with this, but I’d say don’t make them attack. Just have planes that circle and the airfield, sometimes they land and take off again then they circle around the field.

Effectively, they would just be decoys to mess with missiles around the airfield for people stopping off to rearm/refuel.

They could also provide a few extra air targets to kill for some extra RP/SL.

You could also make it so they don’t count vs ticket bleed and even have them respawn every 5-10 minutes or so.

Decoys would be known for being ones, as they would act the same way all the time.

Definelty, AI Aircrafts are not a good Idea,…

AI aircrafts in every case scenario:

  • aircrafts turning around Airfields would be far away from airfield, and with good timing, they would intercept nothing - interception time(even for a player)
  • aircrafts as Decoys would easily be discriminated, and never fired upon - patterns are programmed
  • aircrafts that are attacking 1 players would be away from a second that would be easily going through - AI being Dumb
  • AI Aircrafts currently acts so bad that we can simply dodge bullets, all the way - AI are bad
  • AI Aircrafts could get shot down before players enters the 15km radius - useless

Eventually having more SAM sites, deployed around the airfield, so the missiles comes from multiple directions is currently what i would do:

Having 3/4 Sam Sites (3 launchers per sites+ 1 Spaag), located on a round of 3/4km around the airfield + 4 SPAAG Sites (2 SPAAG per sites) located around airfield at 0.5km - 1.5km

This Would currently makes the Anti-Air Defence much more useful

I’d say why not both? True that people would avoid them if they identified them visually but a radar wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a few targets so at the very least it would mess with some BVR missiles. Hell, you could even give them the ability to drop CMs if targeted.

Another option would be that the player tag could be obscured when entering “friendly air space” and just display “enemy”

Between an aircraft AI programmed to land as IRL and a player?

I’mpretty sure people would be able to identify at ranges, through Radar

And if AI drops chaffs vs TWS soft lock, you would also know that it’s AI

On this part, i wish there is no ennemy tag anymore,… at any BR