Shooting back turret, damaged a track only?

siriously? i had a M1A1 right in front of me at 40meters and shoot him in the back turret to make his ammo explode and it did nothing except damaged a track? wth is this?

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What are all these posts with no additional info? How is anyone supposed to answer your question if all you provide is a vague description of what happened?


Blow out panels exist… go make a quick google search on them if you still don’t get how they work. You’ll need to shoot the blast doors along with the ammo to ammo rack the tank.

They’ve gotten too used to us actually digging into information that it’s become the norm.

I mean… Seriously. All they have to do is add a replay file or something. That’s not our job here.


I’d be fine with a screenshot but nothing?


Nope, I guess we’ll just have to say that he didn’t hit the rear of the turret, and instead shot the track.

I feel that’s a good spot to leave his post at, don’t you agree? xD

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Yeah. No info = no help.

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Don’t shoot the track, and you may actually hit the tank.

Aim for the turret next time.

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dudes, i ve been standing right behind him basicly with my leo 2a4 and my ap shell hit the spot i aimed for: the backside of his turret. usually it should have gone tthrough at least damage the mantlet when his ammo rack was empty, which wasnt because he shoot me and team mates.

My irritation is how can i not do damage the crucial parts in the turret or wound/kill a crewmember but insteat i damage his track right hand side?

This can’t possibly be your first (semi) ghost-shell gaijining…

i had ghost shells a lot in almost 12 years of playing this game. i admit they are less now but a ghost shell does absolutly nothing, its a ghost shell. i had a similar situation with my STRV 121 where a BMP2 scratched my smokelauncher with a single bullet and insteat of ricochet it spalled and all spalls where logically moving behind my turret in the direction they should except only 1 single piece was going in the oppsosite direction making its way through the smokelauncher passing the turrets armor and hit my ammo. its 2 years ago and i was able to view the hitcam. but this occasion 2 days ago realy makes me question laws of physics.

Its the same thing. What your client shows you isn’t always what the server thinks happened. Be it a complete miss or hitting not what you aimed at.

Sounds like your round disappeared into volumetric and one of the sabot pieces hit the track.

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