Ship size comparison chart

None of them was suposed to be added. Its just russian bias if they keep adding prototypes for russia and removing for other nations.


@Joram beat me too it but yes the simple answer is speed. The ships needed more tonnage and more length to fit in more engine machinery whilst maintaining the same protection.

Also because it was a naval arms race, the Hood was a response to the German Ersatz-Yorck(EY) class which was much faster than their battleships but would maul their battlecruisers. However as the EY was size limited due to her dock, they could only build her to a certain speed and displacement which also includes lesser armour. Britain had no such size limit and therefore she was armoured to the degree of a battleship and therefore needed more length and volume to incorporate the engines to make her faster than any other Battlecruiser. Due to this she is often called a fast battleship because she could stand toe to toe with anything.

You see the Royal navy do something similar with the G3 class. When they learned of the Lexington and Amagi classes they decide to just build something with the same calibre of gun, but huge and therefore faster and with much much more armour.


Ye, Hood’s basically just “QE but faster than 30 knots”

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What makes you think Kronshtadt was any more feasible than Sovetsky Soyuz? The issues with armor production and powerplants were fairly well known, and with the loss of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Russian lost the main guns for the ship. Sovetsky Soyuz was both: further in construction and it did have the main guns.

I don’t think either were particularly feasible to be honest perhaps I gave the wrong impression. Kronshtadt couldn’t have been built without the german 38CM guns and Soyuz wouldn’t have had an armour belt or she would have had a 9-inch belt, or she would have had a 2-piece belt all of which were not what Stalin wanted.

Yes Soyuz was more real, but equally Kronshtadt’s main issue was armament which could have been recycled from other Battleships in the Soviet Navy, or produced outside of the USSR, whereas in the Cold war, either the USSR had the means to produce the belt, or they didnt get it.

There aren’t prototypes.

The explanation and inclusion of the ships with the keel laid down is IMHO a good decision. I 100% agree that ships are not cars/tanks/planes where building a prototype could be done at a low budget, while laying down a warship means that you have to have pretty much everything ready (or at least that’s how non-Soviet nations did it).

And let’s face it: Italy and France will desperately need laid-down warships to be competitive in the top tier.


Kronshtadt wouldn’t have had its armor belt either.

The 15" version of the Pr.69 design was a variant, yes, but so was the 12"-armed version they went with. Either way, Gaijin’s requirements for ships to be added is as minimal as having anything laid down or a major component manufactured, e.g. a gun.

I think France may even need the paper Alsace class and honestly I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

Gaijin also said in a very old devblog that they would consider adding completed designs.

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Issue with Alsace is that France didn’t quite decide which of the three versions they were going with before they had a minor Germanic vacation issue.

Admittedly, this means Gaijin could very well just add three separate Alsaces, but even then, there’d be debate.

France needs Normandy class

Italy needs Francesco Caracciolo class

I could keep going, but these two are most obvious.

It wouldn’t even be a problem if its France as it likely won’t get any bullshit stats.

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Yes I know what they need for this moment however quite soon they will be left without options. Their last ships are Littorio which admittedly will be quite good and the Strasbourg which I have less hope for due to the thin belt (although you can just angle her very very well).

But after that France could IMO get the Alsace too.

Italy needs its good ships sooner rather than later so they can enjoy being competitive whilst they still have options to fill those tiers.

I dont agree with that. If gaijin removes unifinished things for sake of begin unfinished and then adds unfinished russian ships its the same from my point of view. No matter if it ships, plane or tank. They should act indiscriminately to the nations. Which yes it is not happending due to bias of moust played nations and thats just wrong.

Ah yes russian ships are the problem but the fact that Italy and Germany both have more unfinished ships in TT isn´t problem right?

Russia has 2 paper ships:

  1. Pr.69 Kronshtadt
  2. Pr.68Bis-ZIF (Shcherbakov)

Germany has 3:

  1. Z-46
  2. Z-47
  3. Sachsen

Italy has 3:

  1. Commandanti Medaglie d’Oro class destroyer RN Commandanti Margottini
  2. Etna class
  3. RN Conte di Cavour - never completed refit

And just to point out the Etna and bothe Z-46 and Z-47 have fantasy AA which was never in their plans.


I did not say so. I just say if gaijin removes unfinished tanks or planes and then adds new unfinished ones its just broken. In my opinion they should just choose to add prototypes or not. I would not mind any option but do 1 or 2 to all nations but not both and then excuse it due to begin protoype when removing it.

Tanks and planes have completly diffferent requirements then ships and even then the KT105 and in game P2 are much much more fantasy then even the most fantasy ships in game currently. There are some inconsistencies with the tank and plane criteria but they have nothing to do with ships and criteria for them so I have no idea why are you bringing it up in naval section.


It sure does have to do. You either add unfinished things or you dont. There should not be anything between. This way one could just add any paper project and there could be ratte or super yamato or even crazyer things and the game gonna end up like world of warships. So gaijin has to choose and not make exeptions afterwards.

I really don´t understand why it is so hard to understand that:

Ships have different implementation criteria then tanks or planes

So implementing unfinished ships has no influence on tanks or planes, also the criteria are right now set up in a way that Super Yamato (and Ratte is completly out of question) wont fit them since the plans seemingly weren´t finished and the class wasn´t ordered. The absolute streach of the criteria are ships like Montana but we will have to wait if Gaijin decided to implement it or not.


Where can you find those “implementation criteria” If I may ask? As I never heard of those.
Still the ship just is not ever in the water and fighting or even tested no matter if it was unfinished canceled prototype or just paper project. It just did not exist. You cant fight other ships with unfinished hull that wont even float can you? There just should not be exeption to this just for the sake of adding things to be at the same tier if the nation simply did not make it.