Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

it’s coating film that reflects unwanted lights.
rare-earth material is totally different, and Magnesium Fluoride is clearly not rare-earth, not rare at all

There’s nothing wrong with 6+4. The EFT is 6+2, the Rafale is 8+0 or 6+2, the F-15C/E/I are 4/8+4/0, etc… 6+4 is already above average.

Yeah, I agree, but I often think PL12s are just less efficient than AMRAAMs and that sort of means more missiles are needed. Also 96 CMs are not the best, and unless domestic engines are brought in, I would really make it a F15C counterpart rather than F15E or EFT.

I want j-10B with 10 pilons.

I doubt it will get all of them although it is possible. Also currently the intake dual pylons are only for PL15 which are smaller than PL12 so still not sure if they actually ever had intake dual PL12 pylons before Pl15 comes in.

Ventral double pylon for PL-12

Worse in long range, better in close range range. They’re still quite good either way, and you wont “need” more than 6 to have parity with the vast majority of top jets in-game You will have more missiles than all but 1 top tier jet in-game atm (Su-27SM who has 12). The Rafale, F-15C/E/I, and the Su-27SM are outliers atm that have 8 ARH’s, everyone else gets 6. The Su-27SM got 8 cuz it was doing badly iirc, and the Rafale got 8 cuz the french mains cried and cried and cried until gaijin got sick of their crying and just gave them 8.

Mirage 2000 8 micas, j-10 6 pl-12

Oh yeah, forgot the Mirage also has more missiles than its supposed to have lmao. The J-10 only has 6 PL-12’s tho.

The french are hilarious cuz they’re EASILY the most handheld nation at top tier, and its NEVER good enough for them.

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I hope they won’t add some useless SU-30MKK or MK2 with N001 instead of J-10b and J-11b.

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J-10B and J-11B were leaked prior to the last update, i was actually surpised they didnt show up. Theyre likely coming alongside the Su-30SM that was also leaked.

I could also see a J-15 being added with the F/A-18 patch, tho the F/A-18 patch is DOA cuz gaijin screwed their balance when they tried to add the F-15I to placate the isreali players and nuked air RB balance in a single patch.

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Any chance to poke fun at the community that calls you out for crying over every little minor inconvenience you’ve ever come across.

Why are you even here talking about the Mirage anyway? Constantly I see you hating on something and never in the correct threads.


Knowing gaijin, they can add Ctrl c Ctrl v SU-30, and leave the j-11b and j-10b for the future, even if they are ready. I hope they will add the jh7a2 or give us the j-10b to carry Chinese a2g missiles in normal numbers (at least 4).

If you are using a translator it may be a translation issue.

What I mean is that Magnesium Fluoride is typically combined with a Yttrium and Zirconium composite in order to make the dome. I was short on time and could not remember the names of Yttrium and Zirconium and planned to edit it later to be more accurate.

So I replied too fast, you haven’t edit Yttrium and Zirconium yet when I quoted

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They are good though, especially for CAS, and since they can also carry PL12 not all that bad after all.

I wouldn’t be mad if they add Su-30MK2, with PL-8B + PL-12 integration.

that’s not PL-12 pylon, its a double pylon for unguided rockets

For CAS i prefer jh-7a2, with chinese a2g missiles.

But I don’t think it is worth it if they are not o\going to give it AA missiles, especially top tier, without ARH, it really sucks.