Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Why not? He can launch Pl-12.

As long as it have decent A2G it doesnt matter. Grind going to be a pain (provided there will be no BR adjustments), but thats about it

I want Su-30MKK because it has greater CAS Capability than J-10B and J-11B.

J10B is at least usable for CAS since it gets extra 2 LGBs, so u can bring 3 LGB + 2 ARH. SU30MKK I am most worried that as it is likely N001V/VE it would be stupidly bad in game just like J11A, which one makes stock grind a pain, and two makes the CAP capability annoying especially if it only receives PL-12.

No sources accepted yet, it is most likely just LD-10 aka SD10 but PRH. No sources has seen it with PL12 yet. It is the case of ‘theoretically there is nothing stopping it., but we just can’t find any pics.’

MKK only has R-77-1 and R-77

We have recently worked out it should be able to carry PL-12 since the fire control was modified.

Su-30MKK (PLAAF) and Su-30MK2 (PLANAF) under JH-7A to strike aircraft line ?

But close air support not better J-10B because no guided Air-to-Ground munitions (guided bomb) and targeting pod

Russian Su-27SM equivalent, my guess

But Su-35S from PLAAF only received R-77-1/RVV-SD

Really ?

Su-30MK2 (PLANAF) armed domestic chinese Air-to-Air Missile PL-8B & PL-12 like Sino Flanker ?

And here is a quick check list for Chinese Flanker

Nice, with J11B what CAS options are available? Any guided bombs or missiles?

Actually, you should need the Su-30MK2. Because the Su-30MKK is not equipped with an optoelectronic targeting pod, which means that you can only look for enemies with the KH29TE’s own seeker. And the Chinese Su-30MK2 is equipped with a Peregrine E thermal imaging pod, which is a huge boost.

Does China actually have SAPSAN-E?

yes,here is the photo.

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Also, in the 2006 interview photo, it seems that the Su-30MKK was also equipped with some kind of optical pod, but it was not possible to determine what it was.3C9887019ACF9125E4ABC9935F48B161

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I see, if Gaijin actually goes ahead with it, 30MK2 will be a good option for mixed battles. Thanks!

though it’s still not a top CAS, not much batter than JH-7, so don’t expect too much.

Shouldn’t it be superior in A2A tho?

Still not a top CAS, still inferior to even the Su27SM if u so would call it. Su27SM has double rack R77s so that without sacrificing any KH29s or KABs u can still have a 4+4 loadout, which is not possible with Su30MKK/MK2 which has to have a max of 2 + 4. Also that said SU34 is even still beyond that, same with Rafale or typhoon, or F15E/I.

I mean… Probably have to wait until J-16 to have comparable, or better CAS ability.

J-11B only has unguided bombs, unfortunately. J-11B’s main role is A2A.

and how much A2G weapons can it take? 2-4 KD88 and laser bombs?