Hello everyone…
Does anyone know if upcoming j-11b have double rack pylons for pl-12?
No, 6 PL12s + 4 PL8Bs in theory.
I’m not surprised lol
I would be interested to buy one though. What is this again? Taobao?
just wondering because in the suggestion forum it has this written for the block 2 j-11b
and then for the block 9, the suggestion seems to confirm that 8 pl-12s are possible.
The prototype J-11B Blk 2 had double racks under the intakes
We likely will not see them unless the J-11B performs poorly and needs a buff
I seriously doubt it if Gaijin models it correctly.
At the very least it’s on par with the F-15C.
Well the hope is they model it alright, this is gaijin we’re talking about though
Get the sources and documentation ready, I guess.
My main issue is still counter measure count and Pl12, cause with 96 CM u are going to suffer climbing even with PL12 being ok, never mind it is still inferior to F15C.
What if they add PL-12A.
It’s not likely but idk, worth a try.
1 Month after discovery lol, could ask them to alter PL12 currently in game to SD10 A, and PL12 is added as normal with at least 60mile range.Although that said, work, last thing Gaijing needs before Christmas which is already likely in a rush.
We will see when it arrives.
I think PL-8B is 80% likely though. I don’t imagine they will keep standard PL-8 for J-11B.
Plz no Gaijing. PL8B will be bog standard, also the IRCCM will be FOV reduction still I guess.
PL-8B and PL-9C IRCCM is actually worse than PL-5EII.
Well no multi colour seeker soon.
The j10a only has 72 countermeasures and it’s an excellent plane.
Hey, lets avoid derailing this thread going forward.