Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Correct me if im wrong but J8F only equipped PL-11?

I think Shenyang J-8D & J-8H and Chengdu J-10A armed PL-11

if i remember correctly in dev server J-8F had PL-11.

I don’t think the game will differentiate the different J-11A batches, especially when J-11A MLU is not even an official name. Just like F-16s they don’t specify exact block number in the names.

You can check the J-8F devblog. J-8F only used PL-12 in real life but it is considered too op at the time of its introduction to the game, so it was taken away.

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ah, also i know this isnt the place but what missle can JH-7A equip on the trio pylon? i think it was 1 PL-12 and 2 PL-11?

no PL11 but PL8

Currently all issues raised to add PL-11 / PL-12 for JH-7A have been rejected by Gaijin, so I don’t expect these will be added.

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Did they at the least acknowledge the sources though?

Unfortunately not. From what I saw, the following have been reject:

  1. Photo of JH-7A launching PL-11 < Gaijin said it was photoshoped
  2. Photo of JH-7A with PL-12 on the ground in an airshow < Gaijin said it was likely LD-10 not PL-12

J-11A maybe this upcoming update? Reasonable and this leak list mentions it and so far it’s correct.


Be prepared my Chinese brothers!

It is possible it is actually J-11 (from original leaker screen shot) not J-11A, but yeah, it is good that China air can get the attention it needs.

Xian JH-7A & JH-7A2 never employ active radar homing medium-range BVR SD-10A in PLAAF service ?

Light Multirole combat aircraft Guizhou FTC-2000G and Hongdu L-15B armed medium-range BVRAAM SD-10 ?

For JH-7A variants in PLAAF, there are no photo evidence of them carrying PL-11 or PL-12 over the years.
For the export light attach aircrafts, SD-10 has always been advertised as one of the possible armament.

4 x PL-15, 4 x PL-10, one PL-12 and one PL-17

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the wingtip can also be equipped with two missiles

I suppose if dual pylons were used, it can carry more missiles?

yes, China has this technology, but it is rarely used

AWACS killer missiles, BVR missiles, and WVR missiles. It is indeed the ultimate flanker. It looks much more powerful than the Su-35.

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