Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

I’m not calling, I’m posting from my cell phone. I don’t know what are you’re talking about.

Before you talk to me about disrespectful, read again what I said.

I apologize to you, and i request that you release the information you hold about the radar used in J11A when conditions permit, and then we can discuss it together, cause there’s some inconsistent information

I upload most of the material I have, but sometimes it’s not possible for Chinese material. I will check if it is possible to upload it.

Freedom of information requests for war thunder stats is wild, would be nice to see this mysterious source that is holding the J-11a back

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It was already described to you, no one has posted any actual evidence that the J-11A can provide datalink for more than one missile.

The only thing I can post publicly now is the website of 天津友嘉飞机维修有限公司.


It says that Belarus has helped them with upgrades, and the only Chinese fighter that matches this is the J-11A.

To be frank the Chinese sources are mostly some news site / military blog, or some gossip among Chinese netizens. I don’t think there is a Chinese book published that directly mention this topic. This is worse than the Western / Japanese secordary sources, which usaully can be traced back to a published book, some even by renowned authors.


Yes actually there are multiple sources that mention the later batches have improved radars. Also the last batch of Su-27UBK is already able to fire R-77 from the start, suggesting it is not using the base N001 radar.

Also on that presentation on the China-Thailand exercise, I don’t doubt its credibility, but I remember it was rejected as a source in one of the J-11A RWR reports. For consistency, if it is acceptable as a source to prove J-11A’s radar model, it should be ok to use it for proving J-11A’s RWR?
The RWR system of the j11A should be RLK 207C/D // // Issues


J-11A sometimes gets referred to as the base J-11 (as in Chinese production of the Su-27SK) in China, display at Liuzhou Military Museum.

If russia gets the R-77, and US gets the Aim-120, China should get the PL-15

PL-15 is waaaaaay to powerful compared to both of them


As much as I love China as a in-game nation I wouldn’t be able to agree with the addition of the PL-15, that thing would absolutely be demonic and would outclass even the AIM-120C5 let alone the R-77 or AIM-120. No missile besides perhaps the AIM-54C would match it in BVR (in-game) and this includes ALL missiles in service with the US.

Something like the R-37M would be required to counter it or the new AIM-260.

The US started a entire new missile program due to the threat the PL-15 posed


Range wise, yes. However, the AIM-120D & METEOR aams both would act as equivalent counterparts, in addition to the R-37. The PL-15 is still distant, given our lack of PESA/AESA, but it isn’t without competition for it’s future implementation some point down the line.

The second picture in your comment is actually a SU30MKII of the Chinese naval aviation

There is also the nerfed export variant PL-15E which has reported 150KM range, roughly comparable to AIM-120D

I see, they just upgrade the n001e for r77. so, it has only one datalink. and that’s why gaijin don’t want to change its name to n001(v)e, because it is not a formal name like j11a mlu?
by the way, why gaijin didn’t change the name n001 on j-11 to n001e, like r-73 and r-73e? and can I get some rwr upgrade information here? spo15 is a tragedy in 13.0.

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Only J-10CE and JF-17 block3 can use it, only in service with Pakistan

I find it hard to believe an export missile is completely incompatible with domestic planes. If we go this way, then we can also question whether other export variants like PL-9, PL-5EII, SD-10, SD-10A can be used too.

  1. Belarus cannot modernize anything without the permission of Russia because, for example, in this case, you need to buy blocks at the Ryazan plant…
  2. The upgraded radar is N-001E not a version N-001VE because it cannot use air-to-surface missiles…