Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

not a bug. it’s like everyone kown it shouldn’t be SPO-15, you upgraded it with maws, why not bothering add a new rwr. but stil no source to proof it

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Honestly play the J8F and have fun, i’ve been doing that and i probably plan on skipping the J11A.

It doesn’t work that way.

If you launch more than one, one will always lose the datalink. Guidance methods for SARH missiles do not have any meaning for ARH missiles.

When the radar locks on to an enemy in STT mode, it provides a better datalink signal for ARH missiles, not mean ARH missiles receives radio reflections and guides to the target like SARH missiles.

In the first place, there is no ARH missile that behaves like a SARH missile other than the AIM-54 Phoenix.

You can guide a missile via datalink until the receiver comes within range to track the return from the hard lock, but any number of missiles fired would be guiding solely at the same target… and only one would be receiving the datalink information.

It’s weird they added a top plane for China two updates (three?) and just gimped it compared to its peers.


That’s a problem because it doesn’t work that way. For other radar, each missile uses a different channel when launched.

In case of having one data link channel, if a new missile is launched after launching a missile, the existing missile will not receive the normal data link signal.

Only newly launched missiles will receive a normal datalink signal and this mean guided only one rather than two simultaneously.

That’s my point, in theory you can launch two but only against the same target… and only one gets proper datalink information

Hi, not at the moment, I don’t think there is reports on PL-12 at the moment

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I think there have been several reports on PL-12, just closed by mod
PL-12 should have all aspect radar seeker // // Issues
[DEV]PL-12 missile seeker problem // // Issues

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Bold prediction for one year later : Here comes China’s most advanced Flanker the J-16 but it still uses the good old Su-27 RWR


Not really that bold tbh.
Since they need to gimp every single new chinese addition anyway


that’s fixed, something like placeholder data

It is fixed? Good to know.

The J-16D will come into the game with the SPO-10 because secondary Chinese sources aren’t reliable enough compared to their west counterparts.

China upgraded their J-11A fleet with MAWS but completely forgot about the SPO-15, common issue since they are clearly the worst air force in the world!


Chinese sources state that the J-11A retains the existing N001 and only upgrades the FCS to guide the R-77.

Do we know which chinese sources say that? A search through Baidu doesn’t reveal any source that could be used.

Also, the PPT I mentioned is the one presented by PLAAF Senior Colonel Li Chunghua at Northwestern Polytechnical University about the Falcon Strike 2015 training, which is sufficient primary source and shows more clearly than other unreliable western sources that the radar in question was modified based on the N001, not the N001VE.

The powerpoint actually lists it as the Su-27. Western and Chinese PLA watchers described the planes participating in the Falcon Strike as the oldest Su-27SK in PLA service. Contemporary western sources indicated that only the initial batch was delivered with the N001E (which had the FCS upgrade), with the second batch onwards having the capability to engage two targets simultaneously. This information was gained from interviews with Phazotron representatives in 1997, which is as close to being a primary source a secondary source can get. In the same source, the Phazotron representatives indicated that the only limitation for not having the ability to engage 4 targets was software, not hardware (China’s Military Faces the Future, James Lilley and David L. Shambaugh, 1999).

China is gradually improving the electronic subsystems on their SU-27s. U.S. fighter/attack aircraft excel in the areas of advanced radar, fire control systems that allow one aircraft to attack multiple targets, and defensive electronic countermeasures (ECM) that confuse radar and missile threats. For example, the F-15C’s radar can detect targets out to 100 miles and can track and engage multiple targets. The Phazotron radar on China’s current SU-27s have a search range of over 62 miles and can track 10 targets, but can guide anti-aircraft missiles at only two of the targets. But at the 1997 Paris Air Show the Phazotron bureau announced that the next batch of Chinese SU-27s will be equipped with an improved radar. When software upgrades are complete it will be able to engage four targets.62

And at the Paris Air Show, Phazotron’s director said the third batch of Chinese SU-27s will have an improved radar with a larger antenna.93 At MAKS 97 Phazotron officials noted that within six months it could develop the software necessary to allow this radar to engage four instead of the current two targets. Instead of an upgraded Phazotron N-001, it may have already delivered a variant of the Zhuk-27 radar, which also may be able to fire air-to-ground munitions like the Zvezda Kh-31 supersonic anti-ship missile.94

There is nothing to indicate that the planes that participated in the Falcon Strike training were the J-11A, not a J-11 with upgraded FCS. I am also slightly confused as I was explicitly told by a technical mod that no assumptions could be made on sources yet the decision to not give two radar links seems to be made on an assumption that a single source was definitely referring to the J-11A? Even though it clearly states Su-27, does not indicate whether it was a domestic kit built J-11 or J-11A, does not indicate whether it was a fully assembled J-11 or fully assembled J-11A, does not indicate which batch of J-11 delivery it was, and most importantly of all, does not indicate whether it is a J-11A at all! Meanwhile, sources indicating that later deliveries of the SU-27SK had an upgraded radar and processor to allow for simultaneous engagement of 2 or more targets were knocked back because it only indicated that it was the second batch of delivery, and did not explicitly state that it was the J-11A! I simply do not understand the difference in treatment for these two sources.


They just dont want to have to fix more things.


Here is yet another source addressing the differences in Su-27SK/J-11/J-11A deliveries


From The Dragon’s Teeth: The Chinese People’s Liberation Army - Its History, Traditions, and Air Sea and Land Capability in the 21st Century by Benjamin Lai

And from a Japanese source SHOWING THE N001VE RADAR


and again here

(It explicitly states track 10, attack 2)

From 図説 米中軍事対決 by 河津 幸英


It’s not even a hard thing to fix-if they copy pasted the Su-27SM into the Chinese tree it would be more accurate than the current J-11A we have!

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I’m on phone right now so I’ll send you a link to the following article:


这个问题严重制约了中国空军的现代化空战能力,所以,在进入新世纪后,“歼11综合改装工程”随即展开。该项目的主要目的,是让歼-11A战斗机具备发射R-77中距空空导弹的能力。同时,这批次的歼-11A战斗机还换装了部分在歼-11B战斗机上使用的机载设备和多功能彩色显示屏,算是“降阶版歼-11B战斗机”,也被称为歼-11A MLU型战斗机。

刚开始的时候,是打算将国产PL-12中距空空导弹集成到歼-11A战斗机上的。但这样做会导致整机航电系统大改,工作量较大,性价比不高。于是,在白俄罗斯588航空修理厂的协助下,我们决定仿照苏-27UBM1的水平,将歼-11A战斗机升级到歼-11A MLU的水平。

原本的N001机载火控雷达主要问题是数据处理系统较差,无法使用快速博立叶变换等先进算法。所以,歼-11A MLU仍然保留了N001机载火控雷达,只是加装了一套先进的信号/数据处理系统。这样一来,歼-11A MLU不仅具备发射R-77中距空空导弹的能力,而且还具备了多目标攻击能力和对地攻击能力。


Also, the aircraft that participated in Falcon Strike 2015 is not the J-11A/Su-27SK.

J-11A cannot use the R-77, and the R-77 can be used starting with the upgraded J-11A. This is confirmed by the mention of the RVV-AE (R-77) at the top of the PPT. It also mentions the MAW as “导弹逼近”. This further proves that the aircraft that participated in Falcon Strike 2015 was a J-11A.

All Western sources confuse the N001VE fitted to the Chinese Su-30MKK and the J-11A upgraded in Belarus with the N001 to use R-77. This is not worth considering

Sina Military just a military channel under unofficial new media platforms, the content of the article does not even indicate the source of the message, it cannot even be considered as reposting second-hand information, and the end of the article said that


Why use an article whose publisher cannot guarantee its accuracy as a basis


I know, I’m on my phone and can’t access the material, so I posted that article instead. Did I miss mention that?