Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Does anyone know how good the RWR would be on the J-11? Would it be closer too western or Soviet RWR’s in prefromance?

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Since the Pearl of Peace, China’s fighter research and development has gradually approached the western standards. j11a is basically equivalent to su27sk, and the radar has been upgraded and improved in the later stage, and r77 can be carried. There is really no more information about rwr of j11b, but it will certainly not be weaker than KJ8602A.

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Forgive me, but I’m not familiar with the KJ8602A, is that a good RWR?

Yes it is pretty decent. It is on the J-7E and J-8F.


Ahh, then your right that is a good RWR, thank you!

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Firstly, we do not know the characteristics of the Chinese AFAR and the updated Bars radar (let me remind you that the Su-30SM has been in service since 2013 \ Su-35S since 2014)…Secondly, on the Su-30SM2, the Irbis radar with FAR as well as the Su-30SM2 received a communication and data exchange system from the Su-57: OSNOD (combined communication, data exchange, navigation and identification system) of the latest generation. In particular, it allows you to control unmanned aerial vehicles from the aircraft. Other on-board equipment has also been replaced. In particular, there is a new on-board computer, an on-board defense system…It is not yet known whether the P-37M was added or not, but it is quite likely…also on our R-77-1…
Of the Chinese missiles, only the PL-15 is of interest… the
PL-12 is…


According to the media, the PL-12 rocket is being created with the technical assistance of Russian specialists. In terms of aerodynamics, it is close to the American Sparrow UR and is equipped with a dual-mode solid-fuel engine of Chinese design. The diameter of the rocket body is 203 mm, the length is 3.85 m and the launch weight is 180 kg, which slightly exceeds the corresponding parameters of the UR R-77. The active radar homing head and fuse used on the UR PL-12 are of Russian design (according to some sources - Agate 9B1348). To increase the launch range of the rocket, it is possible to use a special hinged trajectory.


I guess you are talking the FIRST PL-12, which was more than one decade ago. Your sure know that there are not only one version of PL-12, right?
It is commonly believed that latest PL-12 (PL-12A?) is at least equivalent to AIM-120C-5 in range, and it is hard to believe by this time, China ARH missle doesn’t have a AESA seeker already as AESA technology is dirt cheap in China.

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Also I should add that PESA radar does not compare with AESA radar, that’s why China did not copy the radar on Su-35 because they know their own radars are better.

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When PLA received su35, it didn’t even believe that su35’ s radar was so bad. It was thought that Russia deliberately castrated its radar performance. Later, it was discovered that su35’ s radar was not as good as domestic radar.


The only characteristic of the su-35 is one engine, and other aspects are lagging behind the Chinese Flanker. At that time, China always thought that the Su-35 had been castrated, but then it was discovered that it was the Su-35 used by Russia. In the end, the Su-35 was sent to the second line, and the first line was the J-10C. J-16 J-20


not a fact, what 30SM2 get Irbis.

I know a lot of things that you don’t…And you are inattentively reading the PL-12A data in the screenshot …
if you are interested in American opinion… Ракеты класса «воздух-воздух» ВВС Китая. Заключение - ИнВоен Info (
About the radar, who said it-the Chinese…An antenna is just an antenna…There are no radar characteristics…There are positive and negative points…
for the overall development… Истребители. Поколение Next: 2. ФАР, АФАР, ЦАР, РОФАР… (

I don’t even know what you are arguing? If you are talking about range, PL-12A is estimated to have range of 100km (which seems to match your screenshot) which is roughly about the range of AIM-120C-5.
And all this discussion about PL-12 no longer matter because it is already an old missile and is being phased out. The J-16 mainly uses PL-15 and PL-10 as standard air-to-air loadout. The upgraded J-11BG should be able to use PL-15 too.


In the era of SVO-when the BARS and the IRBIS produces one plant, it makes no sense to spray funds and specialists on 2 radars, especially since the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced a 2-fold increase in the production of Su…
В “Ростехе” заявили о двукратном наращивании выпуска Су-30, Су-34 и Су-35 для нужд армии (

No. SM2 got modernized Bars.

Still with PL-12…

This is not accurate-there is information…“And, apparently, the radar problem was solved after all.Most likely, there is the fact of some work on the fighter’s power system, which allows the updated machine to work with the necessary radar …”

This is su30mk2, not j16.

I’m talking about rockets-they will be used for a long time…Show me the J-16 with the PL-15 there is a photo…

I don’t see a fundamental difference … especially since the Su-30 MK2 in its original form could not use Chinese weapons…So this is an upgraded version most likely to the J-16 level…