Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

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Looks like we did something to their minds and they just resorted to trolling.


Su-30/Su-35 was bought by 15 countries… including China 4 years after the start of mass production of the J-16…
Who is buying the J-11/J-16???

China can not export their Flanker series derivatives due to an agreement with Russia.

And that is faulty logic. Chinese only acquired the Su-35S due to 3 main reasons:

More important two being Chinese interest in Su-35’s AL-41 engine, and Russia forcing the sale of Su-35’s alongside them. The 48 aircraft deal (as they knew Chinese would just end up reverse engineering the engine, they sought to sell at least a meaningful number) was cut down to 24 later.

And let me note, Russia also wanted to show that it still holds some sort of influence over China by exporting the Sukhois. But considering they gave in to the Chinese demands of the production aircraft being fit with Chinese sub-components, it is really hard to tell if that “influence” is apparent.

As for the third reason, they wanted to see how the Irbis-E performed.

But their interest in the Irbis-E was short lived, as the way it performed led to the Chinese believe Russia deliberately messed with the performance of the radar. Chinese AESA radars were just better.

So for that exact same reason, Su-35S in the PLAAF was deemed literally unfit for first line duties.


Lol dude’s using R-77-1 in 2024 and still unwilling to admit their techs are far too outdated
C’mon let’s be realistic lol


It would probably be better to back that up with a source, then it would be more believable.


Anyways you guys better stop shouting at each other about wHo’S bEsT fLaNkEr here since that’s literally gonna start WW3.
This is the thread about CHINESE flankers so if you want to unleash your Russian pride you better go there. ↓


No one except the United States itselves has purchased the F-22 but multiple nations purchased F-15/16 doesn’t means the F-22 performs worse than the F-15/16. :)


Wonder how they ended up here in the first place honestly.

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Probably to unleash their pride.

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Are you reading carefully?He claimed that no one buys our Su…I answered him…also, unlike the F-22 story, there is no official document banning the export of J-11/J-16…
For example, this year Ethiopia bought the Su-30, not the J-11/J-16…

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“No one buy your bs” just means he think no one will agree with you, not no one buys Su-30.

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can you write a bug report to now update J11A?now J11A indeed are J11A MLU,which can finally fire R77,while J11 J11A CANT.But gaijin just deny many bug reports about it.And J11A MLU should be able to fire KH29,while J11A cant.OMG.THIS very matters.

The J-16D without debate is much more superior to the SU-35, ignorance gets you nowhere.


Is proof desirable

ASEA to PESA, PL-10 to R-73, PL-12/15 to R-77, PL-XX to R-37M, lighter weight, comparable engine
almost everywhere
except the tvc


What nonsense. AESA Good. But the quality of this radar is questionable. Has R74 r RVV-MD2 suddenly become worse than the PL-10? PL-12/15 до R-77, Pl-15 level P-77М-,PL-XX this is generally a laugh. There is no missile superior to the R-37M today.

comparable engine-The Chinese engine is much worse


Why do people care so much? It is a testament to the Flanker platform that China has pushed it so far, largely due to greater resources and digital technologies