Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Hahaha the guy is ridiculous xd

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just report to mod already

Books are mode credible than online media, especially when you have multiple books stating the same facts, same reason books are more credible than websites in work fields.

hey, i want ask you a question @BBCRF , is Su30MKK better or Su35S?

No. The Su-35 is made according to a different design scheme.It uses a more powerful engine with a TVC, as well as a more advanced radar and MAWS

though early books, especially early English books, have many misunderstanding in Chinese military vehicles, and Chinese military is accustomed to keep everything secret. These books often have wrong assumptions, some military commentators on Internet could be better.

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I have written several times that this is a radio transparent tail tip for the antenna

but you still not tell me that is Su30MKK better or Su35S


so PLAAF only bought 24 Su35S, then choose a flanker which was plagiarisming of Su30MKK’s design, then it pointing to two possibilities:
1( Su30MKK is better than Su35S
2( J16 is not C&P Su30MKK
then considering to what you said

-but you still not tell me that is Su30MKK better or Su35S

the answer is clearly very clear


The China has a license to produce the Su-27SK and Su-27UBK, the J-15 is not a licensed copy of the Su-33, the J-16 is not a licensed copy of the Su-30MKK, The turn will come to the Su-35
China have Su-35,not Su-35S

well…it is Su35S

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Su-35S only VKS

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So you don’t believe that China bought the Su-35S, you do realise that the Su-35 is only exported in the S designation since the VKS only operates the Su-35BM and S, so despite the numerous images and documents that clearly show the S model in the hands of the PLAAF, in their liveries.
Stop shilling for russia in this thread, if you cannot handle the idea of China’s flankers being far superior to anything fielded by the rather sad state of the Russian air force, then maybe these forums aren’t for you.


the official manufacturer sells only the Su-35, not the Su-35S.

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Live stream shows that the J-11A isn’t getting anything useful for CAS including the Kh-29T. China is getting something straight up worse than the SU-27SM

the model of J-11A have MAWS though they don’t show if it works on dev stream

so uhm PL-12s with 30g, weren’t the PL-12s supposed to be pretty competitive?

Mb i just saw it has 38Gs

Can anyone like, bug report that? I mean they gave the JAS-39A the HMD, A2G ordnance and AIM-9M’s it NEVER had. I don’t see why the J-11A should be kept from it’s KH-29T’s, especially since the Russian one is getting KH-29TD’s…


Also funny enough they are giving france a f-16 with AIM9Ms at the same battle rating of the MLU that we have at 12.0 witm AIM9Ls