Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

The whole structure is a complete copy of the Su-30MKK.The glider.The gears.


The inevitable thing in WT too is that you’ll see less and less dogfights due to much better missiles.

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With this logic the Su-35 is just like the Su-27M so I guess the Su-35 is a 1980s jet.


Yeah someone recently replied to me saying people refuse to think highly of Chinese tech and this BBCRF guy is proving that point.

Quite sad.


When did a dogfight occur?

Yes, the Su-35 is based on the T10-M.But a lot of things were done from scratch

Bro based on the T-10-M, aside from appearance they are COMPLETELY different aircraft.

Get out of here LOL




Two MiG-29’s pass eachother yes and?

You are trolling Gg


As you can see there are quite a few double standards in your judgement, if you fail to believe that the J16 is a further development of the Chinese J-11 series and just believe the Chinese randomly measured a MKK to get the J-16, well live in your happy reality.


Giving Russian sites as info, clearly talking in a biased way doesn’t really add up to your points…
And the “our engines are 10 years older” makes no sense since you can upgrade the engine…
There’s no doubt that China had to take from somebody its tech since they kickstarted it with the purchase of Su-27s but that doesn’t mean that anything that China makes is inferior compared to your own tech. We are talking about tech that has evolved in the range of 20/30 years.
I wouldn’t talk bad about an engine manufacturer that managed to get its own engines on an commercial airplane that requires range, extreme reliability and overall efficiency.
But you do you my guy, i’ve seen your arguments about the PESA being better and it just baffles me.

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Are you kidding?.. In the USSR/Russia’s priority programs have always been air defense fighters (MiG-31/1.44/PAK-DP)…The most effective missile in the SVO is the R-37M…

And why should I look for the original source of SINA, or the originals in English or Polish, and so on…there are many people who do this…
Composite materials have been used in the USSR for a long time, they are on the MiG-29 and Su-27 and so on…



It is not possible to use such an amount as on Rafale due to the operating conditions in open parking lots throughout the year…
Send J-16 to our conditions for a year…


41 иап-курилы

I do not think you know what you are talking about.

I specifically talked about doctrines and Russia clearly prioritizes dogfight ability over anything.

Where is the MiG 1.44?


When have we seen statistics about the R-37M being used in combat and proven extremely lethal?

I have nothing against Russia and I love the Su-35S but compared to the J-16 the 16 is superior.

In dogfights Su-35S is superior but J-16 owns the sky otherwise.

Atleast on paper until we can see more actual combat info regarding both.

I’m note sure what he is trying to say in this last message, like even from a translator student the second sentence is a hassle… don’t even bother, this is my tip.
(i’m talking about the ZVO guy)



Down with NATO!



If only there were such a thing as protective aircraft shelters, definitely don’t exist, what a tragedy for aircraft up north.

Oh wait… The entire rest of the world solved this issue years ago. Conditions are a cop out

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First post and so blunt.

Welcome! Pleasure to have you! ;D


How can someone claim Russian planes excel at BVR combat when most of the times you cannot detect enemy aircraft first.
As a matter of fact, try compare the percentage of AESA radar equipped Russian aircraft with the West and China.

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