Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

i remember that the answer is yes, J11A MLU use N001VE

and a domestic advanced rwr I remember, which would be better than 27sm’s spo-15LM

Su-27SM has L-150 Pastel

it’s sm3 I think

Nope, current sm also gets it, they mention it in the devblog aswell

i see, it’s different from the suggestion information, maybe it can be considered as further upgrade after in service?

All Su-27SM, SM(3) have L-150 from the start, suggestion is just wrong.


The only further upgrade I know is that later models have better engine.

Sorry to point out stuff but most of the Chinese fighters nowadays, so J11BG, J16, J10C and the fifth gens too are equipped with the domestic engines that are deemed to be more powerful and more reliable compared to the Russian counterparts.

About the J11B, there were some issues of reliability with the first batch of WS-10 that slowed the process a bit until these engines were fitted back to these models with those reliability issues fixed.

We don’t need to wait until the J16 to have better performance, once again the J11B is one of those options, also when it comes to the SU-33 the Russians will have a by far worse version (can’t even use Fox 3s, and later abandoned the project) compared to the Chinese that instead decided to develop the B version and the T version that are state of the art 4.5 fighters at this point (PL-15 etc…)

Simply to give you an example China actually bought Su-35s to evaluate if the Russian engines were better or not and their conclusion was that they were ahead in that topic too.

So in game China will surely have better engines (not only that, i won’t talk about every single thing) compared to the later Russian versions of their Su-27.

I agree that maybe we won’t be seeing these versions in the next update, of course, but once planes like the Eurofighter start to roll out we can be sure to see those versions.

Edit: I see what your point might be, since versions of the J11 such as the BG were unveiled to the public in 2019, but this is far from when China actually started using the thing. One example would be the ZTQ-15, this tank was in use 5 years before being unveiled to the public in any sort of way, same with the new versions of the J-20, being the J-20A and S that we currently can see photos of when they takeoff from Chengdu.

One rarely mentioned improvement of J-11A MLU is that the more recent upgrades include a new domestic MAWS, so overall it is more or less slightly better than Su-27SM in air combat but worse in CAS role.

What what ???

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I can’t seem to find info about the engines, might be some rumors amongst PLA watchers, but you can read this from Asia Times: “According to Asia Times, Chinese source remarked further purchase of Su-35 is not feasible as Russian jet offers little value over the Chinese J-16, due to the latter having superior radar, avionics and other equipment”

At the same time, it has a shorter flight range, speed, maneuverability and less resource. And there are questions about his Radar. What kind of improved avionics is unclear

I wouldn’t count on the range and less resource claims but that also depends on the style of aviation, the PLAAF does intend and already has a decent amount of tankers, making the range claim basically useless on its own. I don’t see the point of discussing the radar, it is an AESA radar and the Su-35 has a PESA, we are talking about different tech here and there’s not much “oh but what if its a bad radar anyway” that can cope with being PESA. In terms of weight the plane is lighter and has more composites used in it, also has radar absorbing material in its structure. Now if you trust wikies and stuff like that the alleged speed of the Su-35 is 2.25 mach at 11.000m, the one of the J16 is said to be mach 2 (doesn’t specify the altitude, it could be sea lvl)


Ahhahha 2Mach at sea level 🤣🤣🤣 max speed Su-35 2.4M
AESA It is better only in terms of reliability .At the same time, it is limited in the corners
J-16 in which place is it lighter?If the base model of the Su-30MKK from which it was delivered weighed 18.5 tons


1100% valid post.

To add on the Su-35S claim just logically seems truthful.

Russia and China’s doctrine is obviously different.

Hence why the J-20 does not have an internal gun and is not focused on maneuverability.

Russia focuses on hyper-maneuverability very clearly

and China seems to be aligning closer to NATO’s doctrine excelling in BVR.

Why are you nitpicking and arguing nonsense?

You are making no valid points.

The J-16 is superior to the Su-35S.



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The “sea lvl” was clearly an exaggeration as “we don’t know the metrics of the measurements”, i guess i won’t be using any irony here. Those claims about the AESA are just funny to me and to define the J16 as a “copy” of the Su-30MKK goes to show your knowledge on the subject.

Also a bit of a math lesson to you, take a Panda 500 and make it of aluminum, then take it and make it of stone, you can see my point.


Are you serious?

What does the Su-35S do better than the J-16?

Oh dogfighting.

When will dogfights EVER happen IRL?

Oh in the most extreme rare situations.

Come on.