Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

it seems not so big, so maybe 11a mlu
27sm is basically 27s with r77, the radar is improved a little, and rwr improved only a little too, and with cas ability.
11a mlu is also similar

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From what i’ve heard some people say it will have better engines but i don’t have any reliable info on Russian planes.

I can believe this IRL, but as far as ingame implementation I don’t know if that can really be considered a positive, seeing that information on Chinese equipment can barely even be obtained. There’s still little to no information regarding J8Fs radar which now is more of an APG-66 copy paste to my understanding. Further, there’s no open reports on PL-12 afaik, and little to no details on things such as PL-8B, which reinforces the possibility that switching out for Chinese avionics and equipments might be even more detrimental to the Chinese tree.

It would be like saying J-11B is superior to J-11A because it switches out R-77 for PL-12s…

I myself don’t have info about it but i follow a decent amount of PLA watchers on X and they seem to have a decent understanding of stuff in general, i don’t think it’s that impossible to get publicly available info, simply extremely hard to look for since one pre-requisite is to speak Chinese.

To my understanding, even for PLA watchers, information is hard to come by. Is there even a picture of J-20’s radar?

We still don’t even have official name designations for some of the missiles that China has showcased.


There’s no need to get info about a fifth gen fighter radar at this point(?). I’ve seen images of J16’s AESA radar that are allegedly correct, so yeah they have a hard time gathering info but they do manage to do so.

And i wouldn’t take the designation issue as a way of judging the situation, there are certain well known and showcased systems (the 625 antiair platform as an example) that have multiple names atm so i’ts a bit scuffed.

I believe the J-11B is also significantly lighter, potentially with better engines (can’t remember if they managed to improve them in their own production), using more composite materials than the Soviet designs. Better radar, different missiles, though I believe it loses some of the A2G options in the base J-11B, but the navalised variants have them.

Everything I’ve read pretty much considers the Chinese Flankers the best that the type has reached.


Yeah, but it’s best to avoid certain “discussions” if you get what i mean.


He is right, China has the most advanced Flanker(s).


Simply there are plenty of people that seem to be rather racist and can’t accept that anything that comes out of China is High quality.
That’s not even the bigger issue though. The other day i’ve tried to discuss with a guy about the reasons why the F4 ICE will suffer in top tier (massive discrepancy in terms of performance) and he simply refused to elaborate or to even consider my opinions, so sometimes it’s best to avoid certain wastes of time.


In real life, absolutely. In warthunder, I have doubts this will benefit china any time soon, as the chinese flankers dont appear to have any flight performance advantages until the very new j16, which has an advanced composite airframe and radar absorbent coatings. Everything else appears to be about identical to the russian flankers, other than the upgraded avionics. Better hope we get an advanced flanker soon because now russia is getting the 27sm which is a multirole beast

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If anything, they are slightly worse than the russian engines. China has been behind on domestic engines until very recently.

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there is big progress in recent years, I’m sure it’s better than normal Russian engines

In reguard to the j11b, which is the fully domestic flanker, there are different batches under the j11b name with different engines. The original batch still used the AL-31F, while later ones used the ws10a which does appear to be slightly more powerful than the AL-31F, and possibly more reliable.

On closer inspection it does appear j11b is also around 1600kg lighter than the su27, so better flight performance all around


it’s said to be a combination of CFM-56 and AL-31F, and 10% better than AL-31F

If I recall correctly that was only on producing a ‘stealthy’ engine for the J-20, not to do with power output.

does the J-11A MLU use the same radar as SU-27SM?