Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Dimensions of this missile is exactly the same as R77.

In terms of warthunder though, it appears the chinese flankers will be inferior because the upgrades that make them superior irl aren’t modeled to any effect in warthunder, like digitization of avionics, datalink etc. The domestic weapon load is also inferior, pl8s are inferior to r73s, and its likely pl12 is going to be inferior to the r77. Correct me if im wrong

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:( wt reality sucks

well. in game, pl-8 is defined as 3th gen missiles, so basically similar as r-60m or aim-9l. the real sadly thing is gaijin didn’t add Chinese domestic 4th gen missiles, like pl-8b.

Welp, Su-27SM is official now, so hopefully China will get J-11A

If the leak list is anything to go by then surely we’ll get it.
Though the JH-7A with PL-12 also sounds enticing.

Pl-8B is tricky to balance, we are talking about a missile with the same seeker as a TY-90/Stinger. I am willing to be they will artificially nerf it like the AAM-3 since it should be on par with that missile if they actually gave it the dual band seeker functionality.

Why not J-11B? What would be the differences between that and J-11A?

Between A and B? From what i know, it can carry better radar. I have heard about it getting ECM too. It would just be weird to skip a variant.

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Well there has been a lot of hard discussion, I found and posted a lot of documents here proving the J-11A can use PL-12 but others have countered I guess.

I still believe it can though.

Anyways the difference is that the J-11B is a fully domestic Flanker AKA a 100% Chinese built Flanker.

Chinese avionics such as cockpit, hud, weaponry, radar, engines, etc etc! :D

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J-11B is considered to be much better than the J-11A. Finally ditching the Russian avionics and equipment.

My books don’t even mention the J-11A, I assume it’s just naming issues and call the J-11 Russian made parts kits and the J-11A the Chinese made licensed version. Regardless, these 2 are identical. The J-11B is where the upgrades and Chinese AAM compatibility comes in; I’m hopeful that the leak list just named it incorrectly and we are actually gonna get the J-11B.

as i remember, R-73 has full 2 anti-interference methods IRL like TY-90/Stinger, not sure about AIM-9M, but possible, all of them they need to be nerfed

Sorry I am a bit confused.

Can you please elaborate more?

What do you mean your books do not mention the J-11A?

According to documentation I provided the J-11A can use the PL-12 missile.

The R-73M is the missile that uses dual-band IIRC like the AAM-3; although I could be wrong, I’m more educated on Chinese missiles. 9M has no in-built IRCCM other than the data signal algorithm that ‘turns off the seeker’, basically it filters out returns until the returns go back to normal (I.E. single IR source). To balance it, I do think they will need to nerf the Pl-8B’s, people will be mass crying if they go against an IR missile that is nearly unflarable outside a long continuous drop of flares.

Can you provide the documentation? The books I usually reference are: 中国飞机全书第三卷(全)primarily, and as needed: Chinese Aircraft China’s Aviation Industry Since 1951. First source only mentions the J-11, no A or B variant (older book). Second source mentions says, “In keeping with Chinese practice the licence-built Su-27SK was designated J-11, inheriting the designation of a stillborn fighter project described earlier (and, ironically, developed at Shenyang). Some sources, however, apply this designation retroactively to the Russian-built examples as well;” Which is why I’m led to think some sources call the Russian parts kit versions the J-11 and then the home-built licensed copies the J-11A. The licensed copy and Russian built ones are the same. This source then goes on to the J-11B about upgrades.

The second source may be incorrect, it is a secondary source afterall. If you’ve got a more reliable source on the J-11A, it could help shine light on this matter.

Share your thoughts!

It may be incorrect. Would love to hear from you

This is proofed to be Chinese R-77 training missile

I am referring to the documents not the photos of the J-11.

So i’ll give y’all my opinion of the new update and i would love to get some feedback since i’m worried about the way that Gaijin will handle these next few chinese planes:
So from the leaks we know that China should be getting the J11A, doesn’t specify if it’s the MLU version or not which does change things a bit.
Regarding that, i think it is somewhat of a mistake, or at least with the info that i have, it feels like one.
The improvements of the A version would be a new radar for Fox 3s (crazy discussion on whether the J11A can have PL-12s or just R77s, which imo is an issue, if you add PL-12s just for the J8F… well at that point it’s a bit pointless isn’t it?), no new engines according to my knowledge (makes the situation similar to the current J11 that is simply a missile truck and can’t dogfight anything really, yes the R73s are good but i mostly rely on the fact that a much more skilled player such as Defyn defines the performance of the plane as “worst 3 of top tier at best”), maybe the new RWR but then that’s it?

My point is, the jump that they’ve done from the Su-27 to the SM seems big enough to justify something like a J11B (although i agree it would be a bit too powerful) or something like that.

On the note of the B version being too powerful, why don’t they just add the J10 then?
It is a good investment in terms of time spent on developing the airframe since they will have to do it anyway and it has 3 different variants (at least, not considering stuff like the double seater) that can enjoy that airframe with minor tweaks (stealth intake etc…).

Honestly i’m just worried that a plane like the F15C could be much better in terms of performance and become the missile truck that was the J11/Su-27 so far, smashing the competition.

Also to point out something that i’ve seen here, thanks to PLA watchers and constant info regarding planes coming up, the Chinese flankers will AT LEAST feel different compared to the Russian ones, i will not give my opinion on which is better since i don’t want to attract fanatics that yap about PESA being better than AESA. The main differences will regard the missiles, radar, RWR, use of composite materials, Stealth coatings, engines and Air to Ground munitions too (many more differences could be pointed out but you get it).

To wrap it all up i feel like pointing out that China IS a good investment for Gaijin in terms of the players that it will manage to attract. The amount of planes that they can add is enough to keep them working for years and the more we advance with tech the more we will see a Chinese identity in these planes.
I do feel like more and more people will be attracted to the tech tree and eventually will make it worth.

At least that’s how i feel. Ofc Feel free to give your opinion.