Gaijin and their incompetence has no limits, the implementation of the J-11B in-game is a utter joke and whatever curse put on the J-11A has been clearly passed down. This slop called the “Hornet’s Sting” update clearly favours the one with the larger wallet, the F/A-18C Early in-game and its implementation is near perfect (minus the APG-65 bug) whilst the J-11B is a rushed mess.
The PL-8B is a carbon copy of the PL-8 minus the seeker of a R-73, the PL-12 still wobbles like crazy at longer ranges iirc, the MAWS on the J-11B is incorrectly represented in-game as the S740, the same one found on the J-11A and the cockpit translations is straight up comedic.
Gaijin swears to historical accuracy yet they clearly go down the ahistorical route whenever it comes to something Chinese, next whenever we do see the J-16 they’ll somehow manage to convince us that it doesn’t in fact have an AESA radar but the same old N001 found on the base SU-27.
The J-11B should’ve honestly been introduced at the same time as the F-15C MSIP, we should’ve gotten the J-11B Block 09 alongside the Eurofighters and the J-16 Early to match the SU-30SM. Furthermore, if Gaijin is willing to weaken missiles and their IRCCM for balance purposes like the PL-8B, we could’ve easily seen the PL-10 this update.
After seeing the Chinese community unite to fix the VT-5 and nothing change, my hope for China as a whole in WT is almost entirely gone - rant over
The seeker of the PL-8B is modeled off the R-73 one in WT
Yes, I do agree that Su-30SM and J-11B were not even comparable in the first place, J-11B started serial production in 2006 while Su-30SM was introduced in 2013, that’s a pretty big gap.
Gaijin originally thought that this was the 14.0 that China could receive but even then they found out it wasn’t enough.
I think that Gaijin should have gave us J-11BG instead but limited the armament to PL-12 + PL-8B.
Not really. SU-30sm are just Russian Version of the MKI. Early variant of Su-30sm even have western component. Late variant have these component change for Russia made. But so far they are the same plane.
People just need to remember that Russia military was almost frozen. And it start kicking in the late 2000’ early 2010’. That its why thing like Su-27sm, sm2 and sm3. Have like 3 to 4 years of dif. (2004/2011).
Why Russia and China still fly old Flanker models against thing like Rafale or Eurofighter is unknow for me. Russia and China have a lot of Flanker variant. Why China TT don’t have a J-16 is just stupid at this point same with Russia TT still lacking the Su-35s.
When Lurking on Rafale or Eurofighter is funny how these guy fight for sensor fusion and stuff. While China and Russia are lefts on the dust. I would understand if both country haven’t produce better plane. But that its not the case. Its bad for Russia but its even worst on China. Where is J-15, J-16, Su-30mkk. Both nations Should have receive Su-35s.
Maybe they lack info about these plane. But if that is the case. Just make it equal to other stuff in game until they can get info and change it.
Gaijin has shown to make up stats completely, so that is not the issue.
J-16 should have been released and Su-35S as well, we have an Rafale from the late 2010s in the game, why Gaijin didn’t choose J-11BG instead of the B this update is beyond me.
There are still some differences especially in the avionics department, Su-30MKI has more western technologies incorporated and also some reliability problems which were fixed on Su-30SM.
Fair, but my point that J-11BG should be added instead of J-11B still stands.
J-11B is comparable to a F-15C, idk why Gaijin has to delay J-11B until now and not give China an actual 14.0.
It depends on what will justify the BG beyond 14.0, some 14.0s already have an AESA radar and incredible flight performance while J-11BG will still only have 6x Fox 3 and 4x Fox 2 loadout.
I mean it’s possible for Gaijin to give the BG the WS-10A (late) with slightly more thrust (135KN vs 132KN of current WS-10A), then again it’s Gaijin, I don’t know how they will model the BG so…
The problem is the only Flanker newer than the BG in Chinese service is J-15T, BG is very recent (started appearing in 2018-2019), and we essentially know nothing about it other than anecdotal evidence from PLAAF watchers making logical guesstimates. Though the good thing is apart from the radar, maybe the cockpit avionics/HMD integration, and refurbished/latest batch of WS-10A engine there isn’t much difference between it and the J-11B. BG can also carry PL-15 and PL-10 but I don’t think these missiles are coming to War Thunder anytime soon.
There are some rumors that the BG is using WS-10B engine, same as on the J-16, but then again nothing is confirmed.