I think they’ve just given it the one from the j-8b, crazy how they put all this effort into giving the f-18 and su-30 their full accurate fancy huds and just slap a copy-paste onto the j-11, although it’s not too different so I shant complain too much
late production j15s did get ws10bs (by late i mean literally 2022) so it could be added
The J-11B’s BR for Air Realistic/ Simulator has also been lowered to 13.7
Would have been surprised if it didnt. Sure, it will be very good, but not 14.0 level good
Wonder if they gonna move J-11A down or just keep it the way it is rn
J-11A sufferbus time
My beloved, was hoping to get J10B with this uptade but gaijin decided to gave us another flanker.
Do you mean the J-10B?
Oh yes my bad.
Best flanker in game currently, and gets a BR buff
Has anyone made a bug report on the J-11B HUD tint yet?
I’m finding it hard to locate images online of the J-11B cockpit up close, and can only find some shots showing the tint from outside. There are also some very middling in quality J-15 cockpit shots showing the tint on what appears to be a near identical HUD, I could be wrong though.
J-11B - Tint visible from outside
J-11B - Current dev server
J-15 - Very blurry HUD glimpse
it’s flight performance is more close to F-15C, I guess it’s the reason.
I love flankers, but a J-10B would be pretty nice. Maybe they plan to add it in the summer update along with ESA for all the other nations that don’t have it yet.
Made the report myself since I couldn’t see anyone else post about it, Hard to find reliable images so I used the best that I could get. Hopefully gets implemented before the update goes live. May not be extremely important to the aircraft but its still something that should be done.
@crunchyBoy it’s radar has some problem, not sure if it’s finished or placeholder, it’s range is too short, only about 50-60km
They were originally supposed to make the j-11BG with afar.
Well, if that’s the case, then all the more reason to give PL-8B for J-10A and J-8F
J-8F yes, but the J-10A would just be a worse J-10B if given PL-8B, although it is ahistorical the PL-5EII allows it to be more unique
Has anyone already created a claim or a proposal for the J-8F to receive legitimate missiles?