Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Perhaps when Su33 arrives at the game, we can speculate on how the J-15 will join the game, as the situation of these two planes is similar

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Not similar!..The Su-33 (first flight in 1987) has been in operation since 1994 as part of the air wing…J-15(2009) since 2013…
By Radar capabilities/Weapons systems/Missiles and Equipment are different planes…
There is a 20-year difference between them…The J-15 is a 4++ generation…
the Su-33 should have a lower combat rating…


The biggest difference between the Su-33 and the J-15 is AMRAAM. Su-33 cannot use R77, J-15 can use PL-12

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What I mean may be misleading. What I want to say is that su33 and J-15 may have similar situations in their respective tech tree.

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I think it’s meaningless to discuss which is the best flanker. Perhaps the J-16 is the most suitable flanker for China, while the Su-35 is the most suitable flanker for Russia

Im a bit worried about how they will handle Chinese CAS platforms in the future. We already had to fight to get the JH-7A to carry Kh-29’s, but since there are hardly any pics of the J-10/J-16 carrying air to ground guided weapons, it may be really hard to prove that such weapon mountings are possible, so it would end up being speculation.

Currently the JH-7A can’t carry the C-702 which would be an important missile for Chinese CAS, as it’s one of the few domestic ATG missiles china has, but isn’t even in the game yet despite being advertised for the JH-7A. I’ve made a report for this, and hopefully someday it gets added, but I also hope that later Chinese planes such as the J-10 can carry this.

Since we already have the Kh-29T, I hope that later Multirole Chinese flankers retain the ability to use this weapon. The J-16 would be very underwhelming for CAS if it came to the game with no AGM’s


Just some quick reporting and it should be fixed. Just monitor expectations so you aren’t disappointed and fix them as needed. If you guys need help figuring out if a report is good to go or not just DM me… I’ve got a lot of experience passing valid reports.

J-10 and J-16 with KD-88


The devs have already stated that KD-88 is to powerful for the game, and don’t plan to add it. Unless that changes, we can’t rely on the KD-88 in the future

J16 carries the YINGS-II forward looking infrared pod and the YINGS-III day and night aiming guidance pod.


The targeting pod is a good start, but I haven’t seen the J-16 carry any guided ordinance, so unless there is evidence, we don’t know what gajjin will give it. At the very least I would think it has Kh-29T’s, as we already have them for the JH-7A, but there is no hard proof, just the assumption it could since it’s based on the Su-30 airframe

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Only guided weapon i can find with image proof of the J-16 carrying is YJ-83, which is Anti Ship





Im hoping that in the future Gajjin makes the C-702 available for alot of Chinese planes. It’s domestically made and should be compatible with any pylons that can already carry guided ground weapons. Problem is that so far it’s only been shown off at airshows

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Just Su-35, without S.


New favorite skin


The latest exposure of CCTV7 is that J15(Basic Type) is equipped with a new type of TV guided air-to-ground missile, with a conservative estimate of a charge equivalent of 1.5T.

And the electronic warfare type J15D.


J-11B/BH/BSH and J-15 are equipped with redesigned wingtip pylon for using PL-8 series infrared.
The L-shaped wingtip pylons are also a very useful tool identifing Chinese flankers.

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It looks so cool. Hope we get the B next update with active missiles.

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When the J-11 was added in air superiority, i was kinda disappointed they added the first model because it is completely copy and paste; i was hoping they would add the J-11B because it has a lot of unique chinese equipment. Gaijin, im ok if you keep the first J-11 version however pls add the J-11B or J-10(the J-10 is the chinese counterpart of the F-16, not the J-8F which is the counterpart to the F-5), i really think that we need to remove china’s reputation as copy and paste as that is not quite true in real life.


Problem is the J-11B has no fox 1… and something has to be added still. There were two choices (Su-27SK/J-11A and J-10 early) and obviously gaijin will do every copy paste possible so here we go…

Pretty sure on air superiority role its counterpart would be F-4 and the J-8F still lacks its BVRAAM and TWS radar mode…

On the other things I agree with ye. My personal wishlist is first J-10A and then F-CK-1 (because they are unique) and J-11B… Probably the jeff goes squadron/premium…
Tbh I really yelled wtf in my group vc when they revealed adding the F-16A MLU instead of F-CK-1 as a tree top jet like months? ago. I always thought the MLU will be squadron/prem…