Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

We don’t know the characteristics of the Chinese radar yet…I wrote in the posts above that Antennas of various types have their positive and negative sides…We do not know the characteristics of the Updated Bars/Irbis radar…
But there are statements from Radar Developers…and some 2006 data on the Irbis-E…
“At least in terms of detection range, Irbis surpasses all airborne radars known in the world with conventional phased array antennas and AFAR.” «Разработчик радаров для Су-35 и Су-57 — о сирийском опыте, конкуренции с F-35 и «умной коже» Су-57» в блоге «Армия и Флот» - Сделано у нас (

We know the J-16 has AESA and that no Russian flankers in service does. This means that J-16 already has an advantage over the Su-30. It doesn’t matter how good the radar is on the Su-30, it’s still PESA which will always have shortcomings that AESA simply doesn’t, that’s not up for debate and I don’t know why you keep getting caught up on this


Notice how they say “conventional”? It’s because there’s no point in trying to compare your PESA radar with AESA if you want it too sound good…

Also does anyone know if the Chinese ever bought Russian targeting pods for their Russian Flankers? Or have the Chinese ever put their own domestic pods on the Su-30MKK or Su-35???

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This su30mk2 is carrying pl8 and pl12.



China has 23 different flankers


In the future I expect and look forward gaijin add J-11A & J-11A MLU to china tech tree


Well now we know that the Chinese leak list seems to be correct, and if true then we might expect the J-11A!

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If it is really J-11A, then we can expect R-77 and PL-12 (on J-8F) too

in the original Chinese leak he didnt specify which J11, but then other lists had it as J-11A so thats what im hoping for

so gaijin do, that means they only need to change the sign for Russia/Soviet AF to PLAAF

J-11A MLU armed medium-range active radar homing Air-to-Air Missile RVV-AE (R-77) and guided Air-to-Ground armament but J-11A basic limited R-27ER1/R27ET1 & unguided Air-to-Ground only

Correct me if im wrong but J8F only equipped PL-11?

I think Shenyang J-8D & J-8H and Chengdu J-10A armed PL-11

if i remember correctly in dev server J-8F had PL-11.

I don’t think the game will differentiate the different J-11A batches, especially when J-11A MLU is not even an official name. Just like F-16s they don’t specify exact block number in the names.

You can check the J-8F devblog. J-8F only used PL-12 in real life but it is considered too op at the time of its introduction to the game, so it was taken away.

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ah, also i know this isnt the place but what missle can JH-7A equip on the trio pylon? i think it was 1 PL-12 and 2 PL-11?

no PL11 but PL8

Currently all issues raised to add PL-11 / PL-12 for JH-7A have been rejected by Gaijin, so I don’t expect these will be added.

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