Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Just Su-35, without S.


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The latest exposure of CCTV7 is that J15(Basic Type) is equipped with a new type of TV guided air-to-ground missile, with a conservative estimate of a charge equivalent of 1.5T.

And the electronic warfare type J15D.


J-11B/BH/BSH and J-15 are equipped with redesigned wingtip pylon for using PL-8 series infrared.
The L-shaped wingtip pylons are also a very useful tool identifing Chinese flankers.

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It looks so cool. Hope we get the B next update with active missiles.

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When the J-11 was added in air superiority, i was kinda disappointed they added the first model because it is completely copy and paste; i was hoping they would add the J-11B because it has a lot of unique chinese equipment. Gaijin, im ok if you keep the first J-11 version however pls add the J-11B or J-10(the J-10 is the chinese counterpart of the F-16, not the J-8F which is the counterpart to the F-5), i really think that we need to remove china’s reputation as copy and paste as that is not quite true in real life.


Problem is the J-11B has no fox 1… and something has to be added still. There were two choices (Su-27SK/J-11A and J-10 early) and obviously gaijin will do every copy paste possible so here we go…

Pretty sure on air superiority role its counterpart would be F-4 and the J-8F still lacks its BVRAAM and TWS radar mode…

On the other things I agree with ye. My personal wishlist is first J-10A and then F-CK-1 (because they are unique) and J-11B… Probably the jeff goes squadron/premium…
Tbh I really yelled wtf in my group vc when they revealed adding the F-16A MLU instead of F-CK-1 as a tree top jet like months? ago. I always thought the MLU will be squadron/prem…


Hello, very good points left and right however I feel intrigued to ask, there are two J-11 variants. The early and late, late being historically proven able to use PL-12 as seen on images IRL. So for just this FOX 3 update the idea of separating the current J-11 into an early variant and introducing the late variant capable of using PL-12 sounds like the best option for the CN TT yes? no? share your thoughts please.

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yeah it feels like whoever adds china’s aircraft in WT hates china.
Last update we got an AH-1W, last last update we got the original J-11 and only last last last update did we get something cool(JH-7A).
I am ok with having the J-11 and chinese AH-1W, but im kinda disappointed that gaijin is not adding anything unique to the chinese air tree except the CW-21, P-66, J-7(i don’t count extremely heavily modified aircraft as copy-paste), J-8, Q-5 and JH-7A. Gaijin pls add F-CK-1, J-10 or J-11B pls


Not really. It makes more sense to just add the J-11B down the road, fall or winter. I don’t think the Flankers are getting ARHs in the coming patch.

The point is not about flankers getting fox 3 it is about CN having a viable fox 3 platform which they will NOT this upcoming patch. But the J-11 (Late) would be perfect as the only difference from the early is the ability to carry 4 PL12 in the belly slots!

yeah lol

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Glad you see the vision 😍, I have submitted a suggestion post which is pending approval hope to see it up asap!

Afaik none of the J-11A variants can launch Chinese made weapons. The J-11A MLU has the ability of firing Russian made fox 3 i.e. R-77 series with limited guidance (if memory correct, 1 at a time).

However they cracked FCS on the PLANAF Su-30s making it able to fire PL-8 and PL-12s irl.
(Note that due to the PL-8’s wings it cannot be mounted on Russian made flankers’ wingtip pylons and presumeably J-16 aswell)

Therefore I’ll have to say no to a PL-12 J-11A since they does not exist - again, if my memory serves correct. Also the J-11B will have more reliable radar and avionics (which is far more better than the [censored] N001 on Su-27SK/J-11A ingame, new engines (FWS10), and much more importantly less weight.
So if I am to choose the new fox 3 aircraft for China TT next update here’s my answer:

J-10A - Top on my wishlist. I know it has some trouble (payloads, pylon designs, the Gsh-23L etc) but still, it is 100% unique and I like unique stuff. Plus it has some special meaning to Chinese military fans (like the reg number #81192 (or 94) on the ingame J-8B - my only reason not using it to perform reckless base bombing runs).
J-10B - Out of the question since it is far too advanced.

J-11A MLU - No. I can’t stand the N001 anymore. Perhaps as an event aircraft but I doubt would I choose to participate in it.
J-11B - Yes, however this won’t be on the top of my wishlist since I personally would like more unique aircrafts than although heavily modified versions of already ingame units; However it is the best choice if we count their combat potential.

F-CK-1 - I’ll have to quote sir Humphrey Appleby here: Yes and no. Yes since it is an unique aircraft… And no since it has relatively bad combat performance (energy production etc basically an enlarged F-5) and the second? third? ROCAF aircraft for China TT in a row might ignite some totally unnecessary political related debates. Personally I would like it to be added into the game after the J-10A as soon as possible.

FC-1/JF-17 - It is an export aircraft alright. Make it a premium or a squadron… I don’t quite care to be honest. I would expect Pakistani players to be happy if this aircraft is added into the game though.

Also some other things…
F-16A MLU - Yes, I meant the MLU. I would say kicking it upstairs to 12,3 with AIM-9M and GBUs added (it has them irl…) and give it AIM-9P-4 as stock IR missile and making it a counterpart to the F-16C. The gap of 12.0 will be filled by adding this.

J-8H With PD radar, PL-8 and PL-11 (2+2? or i dont know maybe 4+2)
(I’m a finback fan)

J-8F - There’s no need to say this aircraft needs a redo. Pretty sure we don’t need to talk for its PL-12 and TWS… And of course we need to adjust its BR again. Perhaps 12,3 since its flight performance is much worse than the gen IIIs and only 2 fox 3s.

J-7D - Either delete its PL-5B and move it to 10,7 or give it PL-5C (2x or 4x, I don’t know tbh but it needs to have) and stay at 11,0. Yes, I don’t have this aircraft but I’m just damn tired to see them being uptiered to 12,0 constantly and being kind of clown with 10,3 plane with meta (or does them?) missiles at much higher BR fighting much capable enemies. The J-8B and J-7E suffers from similar problem but well, J-7E alas is still a top dogfighter (despite I do not have the skills required to play it well).

J-8B - I don’t quite have any idea about this being at 11,0 right now to be honest. It is a decent aircraft at its BR fighting other aircraft of its BR, but thanks to matchmaking™ it’s fighting bloody falcons and fulcrums all day. This just can’t work. The 11,0 BR can’t work - F-4Es, J-8Bs, whatever. Something needs to be done.


Very great post here but have to counter your no pl-12 for J-11A.


RKL-609 on the Wingtip, also only carried by Russian Versions It also doesn’t have the Beidou MAWS in the picture

Additional Photos, also visible here: AL-31 engine and again, no MAWS




Here’s a copy paste

" PL-12 Info!

I attached two pictures where I underlined the point! I recommend that you look up at the first picture because there is another interesting thing about the J-11A!

What I highlighted is on page 54!

Here they describe the information that the PL-12 missile can be used in SARH mode like the R-27R and R-27ER, so it is compatible with the radar of the J-11A! As we can still use it with the J-11A, the homing head of the PL-12 missile is the same as the R-77 missile.

“The PL-12 may be used in four ways: SARH (one level more accurate, but requires the aircraft to lock-on and keep it); the PL-12 may be launched using inertial navigation out to a certain range, then it turns on its own active seeker (one level more difficult); it can be fired like a conventional active homing missile, with the missile’s seeker taking over after traveling halfway to the target; or it can use Home On Jam, with a Difficult chance to guide itself using its active seeker towards an enemy ECM emitter. The PL-12 has a maneuvering limit of 48gs, making it slightly more effective than the AIM-120A and B, but less than the AIM-120C.”

“Early fighters equipped by the People’s Liberation Army cannot carry PL-15 air-to-air missiles due to their limited radar and fire control performance, such as the
J-10A, J-11A, J-15 and other fighters. , they can only carry the lower-level PL-12 medium-range air-to-air missile.”



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Ha. I see now that seems J-11A MLU has PL-12 capabilities at least… But personally I would still prefer a J-11B if we are going to add a TT flanker for ~400000 RP. I just can’t stand the N001 anymore…

Also it seems pretty unlikely that we will recieve heavyweight fighters with fox 3s next patch, I would assume gaijin will add (relatively) lightweight fighters with fox 3s first (F-16, Mig-29 etc) then after a major update or two start adding heavies with fox 3s.

Also gaijin could we have the wingtip pods for flankers please? Sukhoi with wingtip pods looks hot as [censored]…

You should be hoping for a J-10 variant to come then. Because it’s likely either that or a Taiwanese F-16 with AMRAAMs for this update. Like I said, I don’t think any of the Flankers are getting ARHs.

Well of course we want J-11B but again @wartthogboy09 we want a viable fox 3 platform as soon as possible and the easiest option would be the late J-11 as I have shown now instead of a fully fleshed new jet as the late 11 is just CTRL C + CTRL V for gaijin :)


Also suggest AIDC Tiger 2000, a non-fully C&P fighter (TC-2 pylon works like Sparrows on Phantoms, so it’s model is new) with GD-53 radar, TC-1 and TC-2 missile from F-CK-1
If next patch will add ARH missile, this Tiger will be a good choice not breaking the balence because it could carry only 1x TC-2 afaik
And F-CK-1 or JF-17/FC-1 is the whold series name, I think you mean the earliest F-CK-1A and JF-17 Block 1 here cause you seperated J-10A and B

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