Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

So is it using the same radar as Su-27SM?

same as SU-30, N-001VE

Zhuk was offered apparently for MK2 upgrades, but China never took it. I hope J11B instead of Su30 cause it will just simply be horrible to use.


The Zhuk was offered a lot of places, but it never got on Sukhoi planes

wish the J11B or J15 wiil come

Maybe J-11B next update? (please be true)



Oh,J11B! Win!

Huuuge if we get both the J10B and J11B in one update.

Does anybody know what the weight of the J11B is? Is it lighter than the J11A?

It’s in the ballpark of 700kg lighter than J-11A, which is the common figure. Some sources claim even more.

It should be around 100-200kg lighter than the Russian Su-27 we have currently. The most important bit is the new engines though, which will give it a much better thrust-to-weight ratio.

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Do you know how much more thrust the new engines have?

I thought it still used the older engines from the J-11A because the WS-10 engines werent ready yet

WS-10A engines of the J-11B have 132 kilonewtons of thrust with full afterburner. For reference, AL-31F has 122.6 kilonewtons of thrust with full afterburner.

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The very initial batch used AL-31F, but every J-11B starting from the second production block uses WS-10A. I don’t think Gaijin will add initial block J-11B.

Watch them do the kitbash like J-11A


We will know once the dev server drops and we get a look of the model. WS-10A nozzle length is different compared to AL-31F and all Saturn variants, it is shorter.


Saturn engines

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Also if Gaijin still decides to give J-11B PL-5EII I will cry. J-11B’s wingtip pylons are literally adapted to carry PL-8. And it is PL-8B.

If they were so worried about balancing, they could just give it gatewigth IRCCM

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