Shades On — It’s Time For The Sizzling Summer Sale!

I have to agree with you. Without having to buy multiple packs or a bundle with vehicle for a mode we don’t play just to get the 50% discount .

I plan to get at least 1 tank pack(M1A1 HC) and maybe 1 or 2 jet packs(between the Mirage, Draken and Kfir)

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I missed the GE part, but point still stands for SL ones, no need to be a dick about it

SL ones aint happening either when GE ones aint.

Soo no GE vehicle sale this summer?

To be fair, the last ingame sale was in May, and now we are on June.

Maybe they decided to make a Summer sale mostly about what wasn’t included kn the May sale.

I believe they mentioned a new rotary schedule where a different portion of the game’s content would be for sale during the different major sale events across the year?

Since we have the May sale, the Summer sale, the Anniversary sale, the Winter sale and many others.

Since this change of schedule is rather recent (since 2023?), I still get a little confused sometimes, hahah. But I can see why they did it like this; if they put everything for sale on every sale, the game would be on a nearly permanent sale lol.

EDIT: I think the tech tree/modifications/talisman/Premium account sales are only in May and November


they never do, just check the stores one time a day :)
the last sales were mostly delayed by 3-4 Weeks for Xbox (only can speak for Xbox)

Oh my, it’s the first time I’ve seen sales where I’m not interested in anything :(

Hey. The GE vehicle sale was last month: [Sale] The Big In-Game Sale in War Thunder! - News - War Thunder

The summer sale does not include GE vehicles. Its a store sale.

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Is there a summer sale planned for consoles? Come on guys, I’m sure you have some infos on that

They already answered no.

The console community have any way to know when the sales are dropping? Or we do just beg for that?

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I know on Xbox the best option is join the WT group on there. Overall, maybe watch these forums for some kind person to post when a sale starts on here


Last year today, I bought a 1-year Premium time, and I was thinking of doing the same today. However, I noticed that premium time is not included in the discounts. I am not in favor of buying a premium top-tier vehicle and ruining the game by dying with just one vehicle. I prefer to progress in the tech tree by experiencing all the vehicles in that tree.

With over 4000 hours of experience, I write knowing myself. Since I can’t purchase premium time now, the time I spend in the game will feel unproductive, and my playtime will decrease by 90%. I had already stopped playing for a while when the Turkish tech tree was not added. I guess I won’t play again until the Christmas discounts. Many people don’t buy content with this mindset. The packages you sell degrade the game quality, and realistic ground battles at top tier are in a terrible state… and you are reinforcing this with these discounts.

I do not intend to disrespect the developers or the team, but I hope you find this feedback useful.


Saved me money with this useless sale. Only wanted Vidar, Turm 3 and some premium time. Thank god I didn’t buy GE for this waste of time. Now gotta wait till November to be let down again.

Bro all three were on sale about a month ago :D

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Just came back to the game after a 6 month break

Why arent Boats disscounted tho, i wanted to buy Yamashiro =(

I wouldn’t recommend it.

All of the other mid/high tier Chinese premiums are pretty good though and fit into lineups well (Type 69G, 69-IIA, 59A etc).

I see!

I think I will just wait till a potential Premium VT4 comes. Not like I can afford anything right now anyway, hahah (and maybe I’ll be able whenever that hypothetical new vehicle comes).