Severe Damage mechanic to apply to ground/naval vehicles

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Hello, hjnbnb here, everyone knows about the Severe Damage mechanic for aircraft, and I propose to add it to both ground vehicles and naval vehicles. I decided to make a suggestion for this after a discussion with @BleedingUranium in another thread. I would love to hear what you think about it, and what changes you would make!

Okay so to start with, War Thunder is already incredibly generous with allowing tanks and the likes to survive after sustaining heavy damage, Eg: surviving without tracks, a knocked 3/5 crew, no engine, breach, barrel, turret ring/elevation mechanism, on fire, and without battery power. This is incredibly unrealistic, and while I wish not to continue on about the realism side of this, I feel it’s incredibly unfair to do that to someone, have them out of the match but still alive, when a friendly just beams them across the map and you’re left with an assist.

Explanation on how it would work:


How this mechanic would work for ground forces would be, if you have something that is a heavy detriment to the tanks survival/fighting capability, you would be severely damaged. However, once this damage is repaired, then you can stop being counted as severely damaged, and fully functional again. The person that dealt that damage however, still gets the rewards for severely damaging you (just not the final blow when/if it happens). If you do manage to repair severe damage, I propose an increase in SL by maybe 100 via an award “Repaired severe damage” or an increase in score by maybe 30 - 60.

For naval it would be nearly similar, except with the fact that some things cannot be repaired ie unrepairable breaches are permanently severe damage.

Another thing that I think is worth it, would be that Severe Damage to vehicles be much harder to repair, with maybe 1.2x the time it takes to repair a normally blackened (changed to severe damage) part.

My main reason for adding this would be to assist vehicles that struggle playing solo, and require teammates to help them, currently a 75mm Jumbo can face a Tiger ii H, of which it can’t do anything against it frontally. If we pretend that the Tiger is in a position that the Jumbo cannot flank, and therefore kill, the Jumbo destroys the barrel of the Tiger ii, leading for the ability for much more lightly armoured vehicles such as a Charioteer to peek behind cover and eliminate the Tiger ii, giving the kill to both teammates which promotes teamwork as well as improving the general gameplay.

I don’t think I’ve left anything out, but if you think of anything you would like let me know!

Thank you for your time.


Yes because the final blow in naval is more frustrating than satisfying.

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I would like this in the game but it needs to be implemented properly, also I don’t think repairing severed damage should take 20% longer

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Ground vehicles don’t have hull damage mechanics [nor should they] thus it can’t work with them to begin with and shouldn’t be done.


It’s a solid idea for naval, but I’m not totally sure for ground. Call it a ~1


This type of thinking seems to only be an Air thing. I don’t care if someone else gets the kill in Ground RB.
I don’t trust anyone to finish off a vehicle, so if it’s still alive, I’ll keep firing. I’ve been yeeted to many times by thinking that an aircraft/helo/apc/tank is done only for it fire off a lucky a shot and kill me. I will still get the assist, and with the new severe damage for air, it’s not an issue at least for me in ground.


It couldn’t hurt at all to have this. Just means you’ll get more rewards and points when you take part in getting a kill. I just don’t want to get some reduced RP when I kill someone because their track was shot off or their optics are damaged lol, that’s worthy of only an assist if you ask me.

I never ever said that it should? Did you even read my suggestion? Things like breach being taken would be severe damage not “oh no he penned my tank guess I’ll die now”


For naval only, I think. If it was for ground it would work if we had plate shattering and the like, but we don’t so I think the current system is fine. It would not work for ground as is, and the current system of assists is good enough.

For naval, I think that if you put an unrepairable breach in a ship that it should trigger severe damage. Other forms of severe damage for naval could be causing an internal fire, hitting ammo elevators, destroying/disabling a main gun, hitting the citadel, etc.
For naval I think it is an excellent idea because oh my god naval has made me despise the assist alert.

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Its quite a bummer whenever you knock out several crew members and destroy engine, breach or track and some low-effort tag-a-long steals the kill. Would be great to have a merchanic that would grant it to both attributers. +1 from me.

I don’t really see the need for any system like this. I don’t want fewer rewards because I helped kill an enemy that my teammate failed to kill (which is exactly how Gaijin would implement it).

I disagree. Repair times for critical equipment don’t need to be made longer.

I would rather Gaijin reward assists more.


Absolutely in Naval.

I haven’t played Naval in a while, but one thing I absolutely HATED in Naval RB was pounding the crap out of some guy and then a teammate gets the kill, who didn’t start to engage until well after I did.


For a fleet - absolutely yes.
For ground vehicles - probably, but i think it will be hard to implement.
And also, please make separate vote for fleet and ground

Severe damage in aircraft was added for cases where the game would award a Kill but the player would still technically be alive and be able to return to base and repair.
Living after kill credit is awarded doesnt happen for ground vehicles, so this wouldnt make sense to add.

plus its impossible to actually get a fresh tank and crew after taking damage in a tank, but you can return to the airfield in an aircraft and get not only full ammo and ordnance, but also a new aircraft, as though you just spawned in.

as far as I’m aware that doesnt exist for any other mode in the game, thus Severe damage wouldnt make sense.

And when an aircraft is counted as severely damaged its usually when you take a wing or tail off of it, sometimes theyre able to bypass the laws of physics and make it back to base and repair. those times are what the severe damage mechanic was designed to address, so that you cant get kill credit for it when theyre not dead.

I dont know anything about Naval, but if you can be counted as dead, yet still able to be basically given a brand new ship, then that would be the same as aircraft damage and would warrant this.

Severe damage for dealing a critical hit on a ground target sounds stupid, Whilst losing a Wing/Tail/Rudder is detrimental for an aircraft and may leave them slowed and exposed, the same is not universally true for ground vehicles. getting your breach knocked out at range isnt going to be what kills you, since you can simply get behind cover and repair. but getting it knocked out in close combat can be fatal.

The only way I can see this being added for tanks is for one scenario, setting someone on fire when they lack FPE, since that is a guarenteed death unless they can either find an environmental source of water deep enough to extinguish it, or can find a teammate with FPE. that would be one of the only like-for-like comparisons that could be found in ground vehicles, but its so rare and specific that it wouldnt be worth adding, since it would just complicate the spaghetti code even more.


Even worse is when it’s someone’s autofiring secondaries and not their main guns lol

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Can’t edit poll after 5 minutes of it being posted :(( my bad. I guess that would fall under yes with changes :)

I think for ground, it’d be sufficient to just better award assists and critical damage. It already offers decent score, but it does not award an RP multiplier so you get less RP with a ton of assists compared to a ton of kills.

Maybe ground could get a second way to get “Skill bonus” - either get the kills OR accumulate score of ~1500/2500/4000 or some other values.


Severe damage is absolutely needed in naval modes. For the ground modes, that’s a maybe, as it’s currently fine as it is.


I agree with OP 💯%. I was actually going to make this suggestion but went thru the suggestion list and seen this post. I was highly compelled to do this after my experience in the last air sim battle I was in. Here’s the story:

I dropped 3 500# armor piercing anti shipping bombs down the guts of two different destroyers. I dropped 6 bombs with 6 passes that took 3 trips to targets and 2 trips to base to rearm. I only done 84% damage to one and 86% damage to the other ship. I was troubled that 1500 #s of armament which exploded below the waterline(1.5 sec fuse) didn’t sink them. I rearmed and returned to target area to find a friendly ai ship had finished one and a teammate had finished off the %14 and 17 crew of the other destroyer and received credit for the naval kill.

I didn’t get an assist for either ship or credit for the TNT I put in the hulls of the boats. I did get hit points(albeit very few when compared to strafing with AP 20mm cannon rounds while setting up for bomb drop). I was very disappointed but even more importantly I was discouraged from playing my favorite way which is Naval aviation. I enjoy playing roles of offensive anti shipping as well as defensive carrier/fleet protection. SIM BATTLES at Dover could be a great way for me to enjoy the game if the gameplay could be worked out to be fair and reasonable.

Please implement severe damage for naval and look into the damage model of the modules on ai ships in Sim battles. I don’t understand how a ship could ever survive 3 armor piercing bombs exploding in three different areas ranging from its front to its aft section.

I also agree severe damage should work on ground vehicles as well and OP explained this well.

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