Server Update 23.01.2025

In 2021 they changed how RP reward is calculated for Naval. After this change, kills and assists credits are mainly important for tasks and challenges, but not for RP reward. Just keep in mind, SL rewards are still heavily based on kills and assists (only RP rewards were changed).

What is important right now in Naval is the damage, which affects the score the most. And the score affects the activity %, which affects time based RP reward.

So in short, the damage is the most important factor in Naval for RP gains.

They changed it, because previously players complained a lot about kill steals, and to be fair the new system makes some sense. I actually like it.

I just played a battle, focused on enemy AI bots, and I don’t see any difference to how it worked before, so I don’t think in the latest update they changed how RP reward works. It’s still the same, all about the damage.

Interestingly, my scores are higher now, but this makes sense, as AI bots now use higher BR vessels, so I’m not penalised as much by shooting them as before (BR difference is important for the score).

Just a few screenshots from my battle:


The only real difference I noticed is a higher score, which will actually help to complete events quicker.

I got 11k RP for this battle, with a premium account, but the vehicle is not a premium and doesn’t have a talisman, so in my opinion it’s a good result.


I don’t know… 11,000 RP for an Ace 25 minute-long match does not seem good at all to me.

Ground/Air Battles give that amount of RP for slightly above-average, 10-minute long matches!

I mainly play Ground Arcade, and the RP rewards there are very poor. My best battle without dying, in a premium vehicle:


Because it’s a premium vehicle, the 15k RP here is actually doubled. But it’s a lower BR vehicle too (so the RP multiplier is not the greatest). I still rarely see 10k RP in Ground Arcade battles.

And it’s very easy to die in Ground. It’s much easier to get a good result in Naval, at least for me.

The RP rewards in Air Realistic are crazy, but that’s a different story. I only play there during events, because it’s easier for me to complete events there than in Air Arcade (the mode with very poor rewards). My highest RP battle in Air Realistic was this one:


But like I said, for whatever reason Air Realistic game mode RP multiplier is just crazy. I can grind vehicles there in no time.

I tried a few battles in Ground Realistic, but the RP reward was never even close to what I can get in Air Realistic for doing almost nothing. So it’s only Air Realistic with such crazy game mode RP multiplier.


Same, I agree, these are the reasons I dropped naval, although I do love it, and it’s slightly better now, but the rewards need to be fixed.

Like I get we get rewards off of naval damage, but there are bonuses for assists and kills.

An assist should be 50-80% of the reward, depending on the damage dealt, while the kill is 100% of course.

But if they fix how it is described whom gets the kill, it would help.

They also need to fix naval RB, I’m so sick of having to button mash A to update the damn range to target. I have a bridge full of probably 20 sailors, YOUR TELLING ME THEY CANT AUTO UPDATE RANGE??


6.0 vs 7.0 = balanced
If they’re already filling the battle with bots, why can’t they fill 6.0 with 6.0 bots?


As stated by many before, this is simply not true


32 RP on average per bot destruction… when player-controlled vehicle destructions are 150-400 RP.

What a waste of time… because Naval RP gains weren’t low enough already.

As long as the destruction of bots (which now comprise 2/3rds of the teams) keeps providing practically ZERO RP, there’s no reason to try to grind in Naval.

One of the primary reasons why people don’t play this mode. With Premium Account and Premium/Talisman vehicle:

In Air RB and Ground RB, it takes me around 3 days playing 2 hours a day to grind for a Top Tier Plane/MBT.

In Naval Battles, it takes me 6-7 days playing 2-3 hours a day to grind for a Top Tier Battleship.

It’s just not worth it. It takes way, way, WAY too long to advance.


So what’s going on with naval battle replays? If I go to WT replay search and try to search for naval battles (especially realistic) there are suspiciously few results … and results that should be there are missing.

Searching for battles I’ve been in? Nothing. Searching by name/ID of players I’ve been in battles with? Nothing (and looks like none of them played any naval battle). Searching for realistic naval battles in general lists less than 100 replays in total since the update … that doesn’t sound right (and the battles I’ve been in arent there).

Can someone else try to check this?


Check your newbie battles too. Long-ago reported bug, never fixed.


I’ve noticed this too. Gone to look back at naval matches to check something out that happened from a better angle and nothing. Couldnt find the replay

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@gozer @Bruce_R1 @Morvran
I’m sure you guys already know, but your replays are saved on your computer, for a little while at least until they get overwritten. Idk how long it takes for them to start being overwritten (looks like it might be 100 replays before they get overwritten), however, if you rename them, in the game or in the file browser, they will not be overwritten.

Could still copy them out to back them up for sure, but I have renamed replay files still in my WT folder from at least a year ago. Could just add [Naval] to the end of the replay name, simple and easy, and can leave the original file name at the start so it is still easy to organize. That’s what I’ve always done, and they do not get overwritten.


Oh that is very odd then, I didn’t know that, have not paid enough attention to see that happen yet. I will try to remember to check for that myself now.

I’ve gone looking immediately after a match before and not been able to find it. I think naval can just be… buggy

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you ask why the devs nerfed the u.s 40mm in naval yet?

mine do

ah, that helps, still battles missing but found at least some of the stuff I was looking for

The “Server Replays” are not the ones that are saved to your computer, they are saved elsewhere. Most likely on the game servers or some other place Gaijin has for them.

" Client replays are generated when you leave a match or custom battle. They are a recording created from your game’s point of view of the occurences in the match. Client replays tend to lack some data from the battle since some data is not available to your game client during a match.

" Server replays are generated for every match played in War Thunder and they are recorded from the server instead of your local computer. Because of this, server replays are found through the website. When bug reporting, you can only submit the link to the match in question rather than the replay file itself."

from here: [Technical] Client and Server Replays | War Thunder Wiki

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What’s the point?

A full 25 minutes where I wouldn’t have even hit 10K if it weren’t for the research bonus thats only good for 5 matches?

The bots can have naval, I’m not slugging it out with them for peanuts.


Also on a separate note, balance, you cannot make teams almost completely out of cruisers when destroyers are in it.

AI Trento! So there is actually some chance to see AI using Italian vessels in battles.

In realistic ?

Show me.

Oh wait, you can’t, as in realistic, and sim, it doesn’t work that way.

Only arcade