Server Update 16.07.2024

Lots of ptoblems…
1.F5C F5A F5E Same BR
2.F4C no CW in 10.7
3.Tornado ASSTA and Tornado MFG same equipment different BR.(That works to all bomb carrier Tornado)
4.SU22M3 only 12 CM in 11.3 while Mig21Bis got 60 CM
5.SU17M2 no CM in 10.7
6.Su25SM3 and Su25t nearly same equipment but different BR. Why su25sm3 go 12.3 gaijin? Give Su25sm3 6 R73 or move it down to 11.7.
7.JH7A carry only 4 fox2 and got 12.3. How could it counter Aim7F Or R24R?
8.J7D no BR change is great,but J7E No BR change is horrible.
9.M2KDR1 now has same BR as M2KCS5? that’s lacking 2 S530D!
10. F16ADF go 13.0,unbelievable.
11.J35xs go 11.3 is the most horrible BR change I have ever seen. You want j35xs carry 6 aim9P with 12CM and No RWR fight against Mig21bis,who carry 6 R60M, 60CM and RWR? I wonder do you guys ever play j35xs before?


Why A-7D is on same BR as Su-25?


That was my point sir, JAS39 should go up even more and the cap should go to perhaps 14.0 or even 14.3. JAS39 as it is can’t go up because the FOX3 carriers are gonna slaughter everyone without it.
Also, JAS39A only carries Skyflash DF (Basically Aim7E2, Ridiculous, right?) and it does not produce energy fast (accelerate slowly). In today’s patch where Multipath has been reduced to 60m, Jas39A can be easily killed by medium range AAM. It is not that competitive like before anymore.
Same goes for French (Belgium?) F16A.

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Honestly they just need to decompress stuff even more at the higher BR’s. (11.7+). There is no reason the Phantoms, F104s, Mirage F1s or should fight F-15’s and F-16’s, Mig-29’s. Even the Mig-23s have to fight F-16’s and Mig-29’s.

I am not saying that those aircraft are bad in anyway because I do well in the Phantoms and Mig-23s but its still annoying having to face things that much better than you, your only hope is that its a worse player than you.


Also whils we’re at micro pp changes, Baz Meshupar is severely limited in BVR yet it’s 13.7?
13.3 would honestly make more sense if they’re unwilling to buff it in any other way to be quite honest. Also Kurnass 2K is at 12.3 and Kfir C.7 is 12.0?
Are people really that good in the Kurnass or is it a proper radar that’s a warrant for a higher BR? I really fail to see the point in that change

I guess Aim-9G is now all aspect


Simply the worst update ever. J35XS with 12 countermeasures br11.3… Worst then ever. Mirage F1C 12br now… Just 2 examples. But lets see the other side. We grinded hard the top tier jets and then they decided to give them all missiles without grinding. All planes now ruined more than ever. Yesterday we played together with my friends, now we cant because of the bigger change of the br.


Pleas don’t ask for down tier ever again. This BR decompression is hard earned and if anything the BR cap should go up even more, imagine everything else goes up to 14.0 while Baz M and Mig29SMT stayed at 13.7, isn’t that making more sense to you?
BR decompression will forever be the way to solve the problem on top tier while not damage anything below it, we don’t need a second F104A at this point.

And apparently AGM-62ER >>>> AGM-65D post Mav buff lmao

How is this possible? Why you think, that JS35XS the same with F4E, MIG21bis, JA37C? And more questionable, why other 10.7 jets took only +0.3, but JA35XS took +0.7?
JS35XS 10.7 → 11.3
F5E 10.7 → 11.0
F104G 10.7 → 11.0
And why F5C with F5A(US) on the same 11.0 with F5E? F5E far superior in missiles and engine.


On top tier. Don’t call the early tier 7 planes as top tier.

F-15A doesnt have HMD

The difference between the A-10A and the A-10A Late is two AIM-9Ls. The Late is one BR step higher.

The Sea Harrier FRSs have been placed with two BR steps between eachother, despite the only difference is the amount of sidewinders.

Would the Sea Harriers have been BRd different if one of then would have been premium?


I am majorly talking about BAZ M, not the kurnass. The kurnass definitely does not deserve same BR of F4EJ kai and I would agree to lower it to 12.0


The XS will never reach the middle of the battlefield again. Tested in 3 rounds now and I can’t reach it. Not because im bad, but they shoot 2-3 radar missiles and all aspects which you can’t dodge (12 flares)


Hard earned as in a month and a half too late?
They should’ve done this in the first week post patch.
And let’s not talk about how far up it should go, I agree, it’s still way too little and believe me when I say even if they tried they’d gimp it to hell and back ( community feedback my dirty rear )

F-4S Phantom II → 12.0
Mirage F1C-200 → 12.0

and simulator battles are 12.0 to 13.7, are you guys crazy???


And that warrants it to be the same br as an F-16AJ while having better IR missiles (Aim-9M vs Aim-9L) and 2 more Sparrows (Aim-7M vs Aim-7F) with a better radar set?

On a sorta unrelated note, Belgian F-16A at 13.3 is an absolute joke lmao, well done balancing department

I see, they are planning to sell something new hehe

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But muh AIM-9Mmmmmm.
Also hello skelly