Server Update 16.07.2024

Pleas don’t ask for down tier ever again. This BR decompression is hard earned and if anything the BR cap should go up even more, imagine everything else goes up to 14.0 while Baz M and Mig29SMT stayed at 13.7, isn’t that making more sense to you?
BR decompression will forever be the way to solve the problem on top tier while not damage anything below it, we don’t need a second F104A at this point.

And apparently AGM-62ER >>>> AGM-65D post Mav buff lmao

How is this possible? Why you think, that JS35XS the same with F4E, MIG21bis, JA37C? And more questionable, why other 10.7 jets took only +0.3, but JA35XS took +0.7?
JS35XS 10.7 → 11.3
F5E 10.7 → 11.0
F104G 10.7 → 11.0
And why F5C with F5A(US) on the same 11.0 with F5E? F5E far superior in missiles and engine.


On top tier. Don’t call the early tier 7 planes as top tier.

F-15A doesnt have HMD

The difference between the A-10A and the A-10A Late is two AIM-9Ls. The Late is one BR step higher.

The Sea Harrier FRSs have been placed with two BR steps between eachother, despite the only difference is the amount of sidewinders.

Would the Sea Harriers have been BRd different if one of then would have been premium?


I am majorly talking about BAZ M, not the kurnass. The kurnass definitely does not deserve same BR of F4EJ kai and I would agree to lower it to 12.0


The XS will never reach the middle of the battlefield again. Tested in 3 rounds now and I can’t reach it. Not because im bad, but they shoot 2-3 radar missiles and all aspects which you can’t dodge (12 flares)


Hard earned as in a month and a half too late?
They should’ve done this in the first week post patch.
And let’s not talk about how far up it should go, I agree, it’s still way too little and believe me when I say even if they tried they’d gimp it to hell and back ( community feedback my dirty rear )

F-4S Phantom II → 12.0
Mirage F1C-200 → 12.0

and simulator battles are 12.0 to 13.7, are you guys crazy???


And that warrants it to be the same br as an F-16AJ while having better IR missiles (Aim-9M vs Aim-9L) and 2 more Sparrows (Aim-7M vs Aim-7F) with a better radar set?

On a sorta unrelated note, Belgian F-16A at 13.3 is an absolute joke lmao, well done balancing department

I see, they are planning to sell something new hehe

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But muh AIM-9Mmmmmm.
Also hello skelly

Totally makes it the same level as a Mig-29SMT, 5 head

and hey, howve you been

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Ye, and i fogot to notice, that JS35XS doesnt have RWR.

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I didnt say F-16AJ (and other F-16s) should be 13.0

Every nation tier 7 jets will suffer this br change. Most of the jets we talking about are completly mess with the same matchmaking I think. Just imagine uptiering (upper br) for planes that have low countermeasures or lack of missiles or flight performance etc. Easy comparsion is the Mig23ML was 11.3->11.7, Mirage F1C 11.3->12 (but this flight model with only 2 usable missiles is a mess).
I think this short comparsion with only 2 planes describe the problem.


One could say “it’s a compression issue” )))))
(I’ll be leaving with my comedy award now)

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Wow, F-16 with Aim9L + Aim7 and 60 CM go 13.0 instead of 12.7 in Sim. I know what i dont want to play anymore.

I play often M2K C5S and i have to say that it should also be 12.7…

I want to refund J35sx, how can play it in 11.3 with tech limitation?