Server Update 16.07.2024

While then if I suppose you never survive till the later game cuz you die from the early batch of missile every time, then how about the RWR and radar? Is that relevant to you? Do you know how HORRIBLE it is on the Mig29G?

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when Gaijin figures out what premium vehicles they want to place above the current 11.3 premium batch. With ground vehicles they’ve hit sort of brick wall, there aren’t that many modern ground vehicles left, certainly not for all tech tech trees … and you need at least some TT vehicles before you start plastering copypasted premium reskins 0.3BR under them

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do you know how horrible non IRCCM missiles are vs IRCCM ones?

I don’t think r27er cares about seeing u after u launched lmao

Yeah the missile are bad and I am against F16A at 13.0, but that does not justify Mig29G at all my folk, just because one thing is garbage on its BR does not means you have to make other things garbage too.
Edit: If anything it is because the BR above original 11.3 is not decompressed effectively at all, so you got this awkward situation where F16A ADF at 12.7 is slightly too good but raising it to 13.0 does not justify

when did I say the 29G should go up? Either the ADF and equivalents should be given 9M or they should go down


Why is the Netz treated as an equal to the F-16A ADF when it has no access to any radar guided missile? It should be 12.7 with the other non-ADF Vipers, Python 3s are not enough of an upgrade to warrant a .3 increase in BR

The Kurnass 2000 being 12.3 is incredibly bad, in no way is it equal in capability to an F-14A or even F-4EJ Kai. It should be 11.7 with the MiG-23MLs or maybe 12.0 with the navy Phantoms.

The F-15As should be moved to 13.3 together with the Su-27s, I don’t see why it’s at 13.0 other than the famed player statistics

And I don’t see why the J-7E should be kept at 11.0? It’s in like… zero ways worse at ARB than the F-4F and F-5A/C/E or F-104G. I believe it should be moved to 11.3

tldr; netz too high gib 12.7
kurnass 2000 too high gib 11.7/12.0
f15 too low gib 13.3
j7e too low gib 11.3

God forbid Gaijin, The French F16A with Aim9M ONLY is at 13.3 lmfao.
Goodluck with asking Aim9M for ADF


Of course you did not, but it is at 13.0 already. It is ridiculous as it is.

Are you planning to change ranks in air sim battles this week?

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MiG-29G only moved up 1 br jump while most others went up by 2 or even 3 jumps, it technically got downtiered


Actually, correct my words,
It is a good thing the Mig29G is finally downtiered, but now you would have the familiar situation of something being downtiered causing other things to be worthless. Other classic example are like Mystere (After Mig and Sabre downtier), or F105 after the F4C downtier (Back in the day).
So I never ever support any kind of downtiering, it only causes more compression.
Whenever you ask for something to go down in BR, think about asking every other thing to go up, and extending the BR cap.
Again back in the day, 100hp difference in an aircraft’s engine can make a different br.

No. There is not even 1 chance for mig-29 to win.
Rate fight, stall fight, over G, climbrate, turn rate…ufo-16 is just overpowered in G tolerance, max angle of attack, wing rip G overload and turn rate


So I’ve spaded F-16A and F-16AM with stock missiles and now they’re fitted with better stock loadout huh ^^

But from what I saw as French we have still our F1C at same BR than F-4S, wtf is that? Magic 2x2 doesn’t make the plane god-tier…

And the F-16A at 13.3 (13.3 god damn’it)??? Same syndrom; AIM-9M= worst BR of all F-16A ingame. They almost all have access to Sparrow (Head On Sparrow > Sidewinder) at a lower BR… So it’s like those F1C; better IR missile but no CW missile versus double missiles loadout with excellent CW missiles but worse IR missiles. It suck.

It look like it is the only plane without ARH (or at least SARH) at 13.3 in the game…

It look like it is the only plane who have to fight full ARH team with only 6 short range missiles…

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That was my point, when you look at the strength of an aircraft don’t just look at average data, things like the F16A ADF or Mirage2000C is just gonna slaughter everyone in a capable hands (While Mig29 is still garbage as it is).
F16A is never gonna lose to mig29 if they know what they are doing, It accelerates faster, turns better, sustains speed better, more agile - everyway you can think of.
Missiles, especially FOX2, does not make that much of difference when it comes to shear strength of power.

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Now waiting for dedicated spawn for A-10’s


The A-7E went up with no changes/upgrades to it’s armaments? Cmon dude, it’s a weak AF attacker, especially when loaded for the role and yet you guys deny it’s historical Mavericks and don’t at the very least give it AIM-9L? That’s sad dude, y’all r real comedians


I thought that Idea was abolished

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Same BR with A-6E tram 🤣😂😅


I find it funny that even an hour after the update has “dropped” we still don’t have it client side, gaijin, please fix your update drops

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