Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

i stopped caring about K/D in this game " before you started playing at top tier"

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M1 series in WT

ridiculously strong armor


And how does that explain the hundreds of games I have in the other top tier US vehicles?

So you stopped caring before 2018 huh? Because I was actively playing top tier when the first M1 got added.

And fun thing is, I also don’t care. I don’t actively tryhard my games, yet I have this thing called skill to compensate for not caring.

Ok lets say this for the 8 trillionth time


Abrams were doing poorly so they got their reload buffed, simple as that


Actually, yes lol that is the year i stopped caring, because i already had all the vehicle in the u.s Tech tree unlocked, and i started noticing gaijin " stealth buffing " russian tanksi don’t care about winning or k/d anymor and haven’t for a long time. i play this game to kill time. The only time i care about things is unlocking a new tank or plane, and i know how to maximize my RP regardless if we win or lose.

you see how insane these people are.

Got balanced into being historically accurate ish too, so its a plus on both fronts.

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I’m not too sure about that, the 105mm Abrams is quite accurate at around 5.3 seconds based on available source material:

The 120mm is a slightly different story however, most sources indicate a 8 rds/min rate of fire (same for the Leopard 2), that equates to around 7.5 sec. It is likely taking an average sustained reload rate into account.
Either way, the 5 sec. seen in-game is Gaijin taking the absolute best case scenario because it’s implausible that the 120mm would out-reload the 105mm.

I get that this would perhaps be too complex for gameplay, but modelling a reload rate based on vehicle movement, access to where the rounds are stored and also actively modelling restocking of the ready racks (forcing the turret to traverse on many vehicles) would be a better and more accurate representation.

Similarly, physically modelling the Soviet autoloaders having to rotate for the selected round would also be more accurate.

Tanker school it is a fail to not load within 7 secs. That information was used to have the reload move to 6 sec.


Too complicated for gajin sadly

In this situation, reality isn’t that matter, as long as it’s reasonable, it’s more about balance.

Initial RoF while stationary =/= Sustained RoF while moving, furthermore, the 120mm isn’t allowed to lap-load unlike the 105mm, them having identical reload rates in War Thunder just doesn’t make sense.

Anyways, TheChieftain explains it pretty thoroughly here:

Here’s examples of practical reload times:

It would be funny just to see the reaction of players having to wait like half a minute to reload because the shell they need is in the slot previous to the currently aligned one.

The chieftain is actually where i first hear about it. Like he say they have can do it for like the first 3 rounds. WT has this mechanic already in the game and could easily adjust it so only the first 3 rounds are 5 seconds.

M829A1 is only 6 pounds heavier and about 2 inches shorter than M900. You have to remember the combustible case weighs significantly less compared to standard single piece ammo. 6 lbs isn’t a huge weight difference especially for your standard military age male.


Abram tanks don’t have an autoloader so if they managed to pull off 3.5 seconds that is impressive.

He quite clearly said that’s only applicable to the 105mm with lap-loading. Even then the document I’ve linked shows an average reload rate of around 5.3 seconds with a sample size of 10 different loaders for the 105mm.

Furthermore, source material, crewmembers and video evidence all point to an average of around 6 seconds being more accurate (In the video the average is around 9 seconds, so I’m being generous).

Gaijin is taking the best case scenario here and making the in-game 120mm Abrams reload excessively quickly, but as they have explained themselves they are willing to ignore historical accuracy in favour of balance when it comes to reload times.

How fast could you reload the main gun of an M1A2 Abrams? 6 …

The American gunnery test is till 6 seconds in the video you sent the chieftain say the loader could be good enough for 3 or 4 rounds at 3 seconds. But any more then that the rounds are no longer in the sweet spot.

Going through that video with editing software, that’s 6:41 seconds from ‘‘Boom’’ until the gun is armed with the handle. That’s the fastest I’ve seen so far and it still isn’t quite 6 seconds.

Meanwhile, War Thunder models it 1.4 seconds quicker than this still.

Everything points to War Thunder’s reload rate for the M1 being excessively fast. And just to clarify, I don’t have an issue with that even though I’d rather see it at 5.5s, it’s just that this change isn’t historically accurate yet people are acting as though it is.

And the video you used at 23min mark.

I get what you are saying but tank crews are capable of faster reloads.

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