You’re the one who brought it up, not me. If airfield AA was as effective as you claim, this whole discussion wouldn’t even be happening. Jets like the SU-34 couldn’t freely farm ground targets from outside AA range if airfield defenses actually did their job. But they don’t.
So you’re saying CAS is never an option if there’s a single fighter in the air? That’s a ridiculous take. CAS is a core part of the game, and you shouldn’t be punished for spawning it. Right now, the problem is that there’s no counterplay when Russia dominates both air and ground. It’s not about bad decisions — it’s about bad balance.
So… never spawn CAS? Thanks for proving my point. You’re basically saying don’t play the game.
Great. So you’ve had twice as much time to see that the balance is broken. Congratulations. Maybe instead of flexing your match count, you should actually address the problem?
And by the way, I’m not just talking about the SU-34. I’ve already mentioned the Ka-50, Ka-52, and Pantsir. The issue is the combination of these vehicles, not any single one.
It’s not about the R-77s alone. It’s about the fact that while you’re dodging the SU-34, you’re also dealing with Pantsirs on the ground and potentially helicopters in the air.
It’s not just one vehicle that’s the problem. It’s the broken synergy between all of them. You have to dodge missiles from every direction while trying to play the game. And once again — there’s no counterplay.
Now, let me flip the question back to you:
Why is it okay for Russia to have fire-and-forget capabilities with the KH-38 missiles, but NATO can’t have Brimstones with the same feature?
The Brimstone was nerfed for being too strong, yet the SU-34 can do exactly what the Brimstone was supposed to do — and somehow, that’s fine?
So again, why the hell is this being defended so hard?
Why is it okay that one nation is the absolute top-tier king right now?