Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

What has your original post to do with this?

Game mode hijacked by totally optional vehicle types, that’s the world we’re living in.



How dare you to outplay pantsir? This is the spaa, that closes the sky. Can’t fly with anything except russian planes. You have no sense of mourning at all by doing that? What is wrong with you?


we need AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire (fire and forget)

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it gonna end up like Brimstone and brandnew abomination of missile will born
AGM-114L (SAL)

No you dont. All stupid fire and forget agms should be removed completly from the game.


You weren’t supposed to show that, Click-Bait spammers don’t have access to those machines.
Looks unfair.

Honestly it would explain some things for me when matchmaking with friends if it’s based around skill by nation. Sometimes we’ll only be 2 nations in a very popular br (one major, one minor) and the game will just have us sit there forever. I remember a screenshot floating around a couple of years ago showing a battle replay with a mysterious score next to every players names that wasn’t realated to anything they did in the battle.

Yes. I too, know exactly where every player is after taking a single glance at the map. I can definitely not see a plane pop into existence from the one place in the air it can spawn either. Nope, never. Guy pops in, you instantly have a lock on him and a missile off of the rails by the time they look around once.

Unless your any kind of Leo2a7 then your balling

Not going to make any different when you killed one or two people and you going to get bomb after that all the same being Ariete to Strv122 sht not gonna be different if this still continue.
now only light tanks with scout and jet are matter in GRB

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Yeah only if you are camping spawns on a completely clear skies map and aren’t already defending from the 3 panstir and 2 jets already up. I fired 3 AIM-120’s at an SU-34 yesterday from 14km, 9km and then 7km. They all missed. So the people who say it can’t manoeuvre are dumb.

Exactly! Time to turn the tables. Every SU-34 player who doesn’t get at least 15 kills is trash! Skill issue!
Every SU-34 player who can’t dodge at least 4 AIM-120 missiles coming from six different directions is trash! Skill issue.

You literally just have to occasionally look in that direction, they don’t warp across the map. And if I’m facing 5 dudes no matter what nation they are I’m probably dead too.

Soo he defeated the one threat against him that was just firing missiles over and over again? Impossible! What you seem to miss about the Su-34 is that it can defend against one missile sure (or in this case a stream of missiles where it’s pointless to do anything but fly sideways), but it bleeds speed horribly which is kind of important when trying to dodge multiple SACLOS missiles, especially with fox 3s in the picture too.


This is exactly right because the other day I killed two in a row just by switching tws targets with f15c

Good thing that’s not the point I was making. Strawman as usual.

You couldn’t touch a mediocre player in a Pantsir.

Only valid response to your spinelessness is against this safe space’s rules (which is why you’re here)

i see no issue with using fallacies and being dishonest

I know vatnik, i know.

Yep, it’s almost impossible for us to find a game in less than 5 minutes if we pick Germany Russia and Sweden, even though I see them on the same team all the time. And when we do get one? Germany Russia and Sweden on both sides in GRB. Can’t make this up.

I correctly predicted US and Russia together on the enemy team 10 times in a row.

Honestly the SBMM just seems to be “don’t put good players with Russia”. See my last few games as Japan
I want to track this over a longer period of time but I often switch BR or nations so it’s inconsistent

Yeah the game loves throwing Russia and America together from my experience. But honestly, the T-90/BVM are usually what I hope I face since they have a long reload time and shooting them almost anywhere kills them. They have good cas with the KH-38 that shouldn’t be in game, but that’s the only real gimmick they have since the Pantsir can be easily countered with enough brain cells


Wow I thought 30% US win rate means that US players were having a bad time at the benefit of Russia but your anecdotal evidence completely changed my view

@jcool01 Well I disagree with most of that, but what nation do you play as?

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