I don’t really who developed what or when. If stuff are at the same BR, they should have pros/cons when compared to each other. This is a game, not real life.
Why ?
Su-34 is the best at A2G but lacks heavily in A2A, do see the tradeoff ?
I’m saying for months that we need better AAs, not just at top tier. Gaijin is finally listening.
I clearly do, helicopters in general have busted damage models, all across the board.
I’ve shot many helicopters through the front with a clear center mass (using a dart) shot and got “Damage of tail” and helicopter continued as nothing happened. Same thing with missiles. This happens to planes as well but much less frequent than on helicopters.
Well i mean, you’re either missing or citing examples from before them changing the damage models. You literally cant fire your weapons if you take a single hit from a 25mm or bigger. Being splashed even by just about any missile will disable your weapons completely. If you get the hit, the weapons are disabled even if you dont kill the heli. the only exceptions are the helis with modules, which is pretty much just the ka50/52.
Don’t call me an idiot with the dribble come out your pie hole in this thread, you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Clearly when these smoke types and jamming comes to the game RU will get it, so my point still stands. Typhoons wont have FnF Brimstones will there is a counter, but RU get Kh-38MT slingers with no SPAA to counter it but the SPAA on the RU team.
When has the F16 ever been as dominant as the SU-34?? Never in my years of playing have US air in GRB been an issue like the SU-34 / KA-50/52’s
You need to learn to read what I said
Name 1 time when an SU-34 with 6x Kh-38MT missiles has to loiter in range of enemy SPAA
Your talking about how to counter a Pansir by doing things that RU doesn’t have to do to counter all other SPAA. That right there is enough to tell you its BS
Don’t talk so wet. The KA-50 outranged all other Heli’s and could sit outside of SPAA range. More over would often kill other Heli’s from greater distances
I guess everyone should “learn to aim” since it was a known issue and eventually fixed
I’m certain there was a bug with its mantlet been too strong or moddled wrong. I’ll come back to this once I’ve looked it up more though.
Nah mate I don’t play at all only 22k finished missions did all that in 2 days and never touched it again 0.o.
Oh no Leopards, guess we could quote you “Learn to aim”
I can’t remember ever loosing many matchs on the backs of Leopards but I’ve got hundreds of matches over the years where my teams have lost because of KA-50/52’s, Su-25/SM3, Mig 27’s, Su-34.
You want to cry about RU been given a new tech-tree Su-27 with 12 missiles. Before the Typhoon’s the UK had the option of a decent plane with shitty R-Darters, or the flying brick of a Tornado which Gj can’t even fix ( Best the have done is increase turning but reduced speed as a trade of lol )
The Typhoon finally give the UK and GER a good plane but the screwed us over on the brimstones.
It’s still a very good vehicle against most planes but helis are the real issue. They tend to eat so much crap it’s certainly unrealistic.
I’m talking from my very recent experience with them. I’ve had 12.0 helicopters eat Type 81 missiles like they have no HE filler whatsoever. Just tonight I downed a couple Kamovs with my Type 91 missile and they blew up just fine.
All helicopters have wildly inconsistent damage models.
So what are the Con’s of taking out the Su-34? Its all Pro’s from what I see.
In ARB maybe that is a trade off, but in GRB where you have 0 SPAA counters and only have to worry about other fighters which by the way you still have R-77’s and R-73’s and your no longer fighting aircraft at 20-30miles anymore since your condensed you shouldn’t have an issue locking and launching R-77’s and you get to do this while staying behind your Pansir’s to help you counter all other fighters.
All pros until something else spawns in the air. Your shitboat won’t feel so powerful then.
Remember, RU isn’t the only nation allowed to spawn planes.
There’s no tradeoffs in ARB other than maybe missile count, no wonder Su-34 sits almost a full BR below the UFOs.
Also, let’s not pretend that a shitboat like Su-34 without HMD will get many chances to fire off R-73s against an UFO with a shitload of CMs.
You can’t even go the stealthy way of sniping it with ETs as the UFO has MAWs.
Su-34 is easily outmatched and without Pantsir it would get eaten alive as basically a free kill.
Let’s also not pretend that R-77s can hit anyone competent beyond 10km in their UFOs that can sustain 13G+ pulls. I’ve seen people notching R-77s in those things when fired from a perfect head-on well below 10km.
Ah so you are just another A-hole here’s a star for your efforts *
Oh using big swear words, calm down moron. You still missed my point again!
Who care’s about ARB when we talking about GRB?? Change the topic much!
Replay or it didn’t happen.
Pansir is capable of intercepting all of those munitions, NATO can when???
You still haven’t proven there is an adiquate counter to a Pansir that doesn’t require the extra steps that an Su-34 doesn’t need to do.
The rest of your comment isn’t worth the reply but defo sounds like you need some time away from your screen.
HAHAHA muppet, you claimed all prem heli’s were broken and named 2 heli’s that still don’t outreach a KA-50. Jezz do you really not know the difference between 4.97mi and 6.21mi? I can tell you free of charge that 1 of them has a longer reach, can you guess which it is???
Actually is both, but carry on spoouting garbage.
working on it
So its a skill issue that when I got my Grippen the FM was nerfed and Aim-120A/B’s were added to the game but the Grippen got a shitty R-Darter?
Or a skill issue that Gj moddled the Tornado’s wrong?
Or maybe your just full of it
With that low count of battles you hardly even know what your talking about. You have barely played top Tier UK I’ve played more battles in 1 plane then you have played a combined top tier UK.
But alas you call it a skill issue but have yet to debate anything I’ve said, you just spout crap and swear alot, combined with personal attacks. Guess having a reality comprehension issue and a shitty personality is bad enough though. You have a good day now.
True but RU is the only nation with SPAA capable of actually assisting in keeping the air clear.
So whats your point here?? and Su-34 isn’t going to be dominant over a Typhoon but it does have Pansir air cover which the Typhoon doesnt have. Its basically Su-34+Pansir ( or many pansir’s depending on who’s spawning them ) Vs Typhoon
How about SP cost, unless you do resonably well your not going to have a chance at getting a fully loaded Typhoon out, and since most poeple want to use tanks they tend to try and spawn more then 1, where as RU teams rush caps in lights, get 1-2 kills or scouting assists then jump into an Su-34 and take out 1-6 people, re-arm and then do it all over again.
These days once a team is been wiped out by 1-2 Su-34’s they simply just leave the battle and RU wins.
So for people wanting to boost win rates, grind RP/SL playing RU and smashing everything with a Su-34 is just a logical thing to do when it almost guarentee’s victory.
You never mentioned it had to be about GRB your fault desu maybe next time specify gamemodes
It was sun city a couple weeks back not sure if its still there you can dig it up if you care that much
Oh do you only have one arm or something are you incapable of dropping a bomb and then clicking a marked area on the map amazing you can play with these deformities
Why do they need to outrange the Vikhrs you can just sit behind a mountain and be immune to SPAA like helis are currently for the most part
So mad you’re starting to fail at basic english too
Its really not, helis rarely engage in GRB outside of literally hovering above the enemy helipad and spawncamping
The derby and darter are both fine they’re not AMRAAM equivalents but for how you’re meant to play the gripen I’d honestly prefer them, the gripen cant sit at orbit chucking AMRAAMs at mach 2 its better at low alt where the derby/darter performs better at close range fights due to the massive DeltaV and short booster
The tornado isnt modeled wrong the plane just sucks IRL its a brick IRL its a brick ingame theres a reason why its considered the worst 4th gen fighter and why only the GR. variants stuck around
So you’ve played more games and yet you’re still worse than me now thats an achievement
Anyway the reason i don’t waste my life playing the same plane for 1000 games is because its boring why should i bother playing these aircraft outside of customs or events after ive spaded them
Actually how do you even manage a 0.5 k/d in the gripen especially since you played it on release
Is this how you’re gonna silently conceed that you’ve lost the argument
BeCaUsE bEiNg StRikE bla bla bla hell if GR4 suddenly get Brimstone LOAL and proceed to do the same with more kill you probably gonna say otherwise
Heh typical BeCaUsE bUt sWeDeN
sht you know most sht i most CAP is done Sweden right? and entire line up they have like what three best MBTs? ingore CAS heli and spaa that luxury they could only dream of bUt sWeDeN when their cap still need to do exactly i had do no exceptions well sorry when i face them only my concern are Strv122s and that’s it
but ofc sWeDeN i know you not a Russian but you know you start to sound like one right?
Su-34 without Pantsir would be nothing more than a 800+ SP worth of a free kill. It would be like strike drones where you would spawn in and pray you don’t get shot down before you can have your impact.
EFT bringing so many heat on itself is a big deal for the match itself, as it’ll neuter Su-34s and make one (or more) Pantsir focus them.
Having many AAs up at the same time is never a good idea for your team’s sake as well.
I do understand that some people simply don’t want to use air, even if they have enough SP. I’m one of those people as well, but we have to agree that all planes will require a lot of SP to spawn, doesn’t matter if it’s EFT or Su-34.
Genuine question, does Su-34 cost even more than EFT when fully loaded ?
They can get oppressive but it’s not all game’s fault though as players will have a big role in this as well.
US players are mostly just Click-Bait/AIM spammers that don’t even have Ground TT, let alone Air.
France is a minor nation with not so great top tier, so Rafales won’t be that frequently used.
Same goes for UK as well.
This leaves us with Germany (and it’s players) as the only nation that can bring UFOs on a regular basis.
I think we can agree our higher/top tiers have issues regarding quick games that go further than just Su-34 spam.
I’ve been all in for nations receiving better higher/top tier AAs for ages now, as what we currently have right now isn’t enough by any means. I’m defending Su-34 as a plane simply because I believe it’s the only thing it has over other 12.7s and I’m not one of those guys that want to keep their toys brokenly OP, as I haven’t touched RU top tier in a long while and have exactly 0 GRB games in Su-34.
One more thing to add, I think we need much more BRs in GRB, because 12.7 is simply too low to accommodate all those planes.
LMAO must be truly suffer
But hey because Gripen is UFO it deserve to dodge Pantsir and su-34 r-77 with PESA radar at the same times sht i only see one word out of your mouth describe western Jet that being UFO have you ever fly one? (especially Gripen that no longer fly like old times)
GR4 with 15x fully unleashed Brimstones with LOAL and more speed would be much higher than 12.7, so that thing has no place in the current game.
When we get more BRs we could definitely talk about it being a possibility as GR4 is awful at A2A and should be compensated with A2G.
MBTs, great light tank and the best non-Pantsir AA.
If they got a EFT counterpart they would’ve been the best nation to play, which is quite something as it’s a minor nation.
Sweden is strong, especially at a time when Gripen was the top dog in the “meta” of SARHs with 100m multipath height.
Sweden is much closer to the easy mode than it is to the suffering mode.
I was mostly talking about newly added jets as they are overshadowing everything we had before.
Shame R-77 and PESA didn’t get me kills from sub 10km, perfect head-on launches as some planes are just that agile to be able to notch it in time.
I love farming enemy Su-34s in ARB though, as those boats need an eon to turn 90 degrees at any reasonable speed.
It’s sad seeing Gripens getting dethroned but they had their time to shine all the while going under the radar as everyone was complaining about Su-27 and 27ERs being OP in the day and age of 100m MP height.
That times is no longer in the game it’s long gone at the same time when Sweden recive Gripen C
It in better position in term of MBTs the rest is not much different they have to deal with very same problem that everyone have to deal sure they CAS options are Gripen technically it can do but with the plane of it size it carrying ways less doing CAS with little load out it not really much effect the team and better doing CAP job
Since the Pansir was mentioned its kind of a give away we are talking GRB unless you somehow spawn in a Pansir in ARB o.0
Given my only Top tier currently for Air ( I mean actual top Tier’s ) Are UK and USA spawning bombs instead of missiles to counter the Su-34’s isn’t helping my team at all and that if I decide to contine playing the match since at that point its a loss and not worth my time to keep spawning.
So your changing the goal posts on this one I see.
You claimed all prem heli’s were OP, I proved that they aren’t since only 1 was outranging SPAA and other Heli’s, so you change the goal post but fk it here goes.
Not all maps have mountains, not all heli’s have FnF missiles, but there is a nations heli’s that can still outrange most SPAA
Given I’m a northerner I think most of the UK agree’s we fail at english with our dialect so not really an insult there.
Do you even play the game? First spawn rocket heli’s, second spawn missile heli’s. Heli pad spawn caming RU heli’s are a big thing also/ Literally every match I’ve played at top Tier ( 12.0 Tanks ) has 1 or more Heli’s spawned.
So whats your point here?? The R-Darter is a shitty missile. Once you have waided through all the 120 spam and get closer your basically the same as everyone else close range missile slinging. This still doesn’t mean the R-Darter is a good missile.
Maybe go check out the bug reports I’m not doing it for you but safe to say your assertion is BS.
So you spade on move on good for you. Those of us who need something for GRB still have use them racking up my matches every month.
Now your just lying for the sake of it. Seriously dude please learn to read
See this??? Where does it say I got the Grippen on release?
The Grippen was released with Aim-9M’s and Skyflash missiles, when I got the Grippen they had been replaced for R-Darter’s so clearly I didnt get it on release as I wasn’t even actively playing WT at the time.
Secondly I had to spade it while learning how to dodge Aim-120’s as it was my first and only ARH equipt aircraft. My lack of knowlege on how the rader worked for ARH instead of DF missile and then finding out how bad at BVR R-Darters were before switching to a more DF style caused alot of deaths on my part. I’m sure once I’m done spading the last few aircraft I have at top Tier I’ll go back play some more and who knows might even balance out my K/D.