Here is the formula: If someone goes on about how good the Tor is, and starts listing specs, and doesn’t mention how horrible things like the smoke trails are - I know they have never used the vehicle.
Have fun pulling your energy and life away in a gen2.
Fun fact: Pantsirs can pull and kill whoever is not pulling enough
Gen 2?
As in your flying gen 2 jets at 11.0/12.0?
No wonder your complaining, get a BR Specific jet instead of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
You just clowned your own arguments.
I own the pantsir and ive faced the pantsir and the people i squad with own and face the pantsir and none of us have any issues dodging pantsir missiles except for if you’re in the Tornado the things a brick
I literally cant tell what you even said
So you can fly around the battlefield until you get shot down by a Su-34. The point is that you, like the Su-34, cannot hit targets without fear of SPAA.
This topic is a reminder of why I trust in Gaijin’s method of balancing - as flawed as it can sometimes be, it is much better than the ‘balance’ efforts being pushed by many of those in the community.
I already created a topic here about the imbalanced Su-34, the topic was closed, they told me that I was playing incorrectly. Meanwhile, Gaijin secretly nerfed Aim-120 and AGM-65D and G. And the game returned to the Soviet shooting range.
How would you get shot down by an SU-34 it only gets R-77 and its airframe bleeds all of its speed trying to turn away to notch
???no none of those weapons have changed at all in the the files
ive been hit at the airfield by pantsir with no rwr warning
no lmao
brimstones should have their fnf function restored at top brs because of parity and its a manufactured flaw that isnt real
No you haven’t post the replay
That wouldn’t be parity that would be a total shift back to NATO CAS being the best and complete powercreep they can have their FNF when gaijin implements jamming and multispectral smoke for vehicles
Are you sure about it? please tell me are you certainly sure about it? and if you think i pull it out of my ass to say well
And this is just only one of my top tiers heli and i have five of them I say gun is not useless (it saved my a*s many time)
aim120 35g / R-77 50g.
And there are matches with 6-7 planes dancing on 15km edge and all dead. Just pull
Everyone can see that red dot coming who won’t pull, and ofc the first msl is dodged, then comes the 2nd and 3rd. Suppression huh or kill shot? Pulled to black out, cancel attack, and/or make dodging harder when flying away?
Why would people still die when 15km 1ma sideways pulling up and down
For this one, just open account and see who’s in the BR range. It’s no more than the everlasting Compression
I noticed that Pansir S1 knocks me down without warning about the launch. As I understand it, this is another hidden buff of Soviet technology.
50G’s in its motors range, out from that it exponentially drops from the AIM-120’s low speed directional abilities.
LMAO old heli EC? Are you blind or something? watch again
EC even old one is Arcade man
oh starstreak pretty much won’t really save you from jet it might save you from heli but not jet (good luck hitting jet with it)
Neither of these mean anything
The fins have stayed unchanged meaning any change to the max G pull doesn’t do anything, you do understand max G is pretty much a non stat ingame
I would quite like to see the 6-7 planes sitting 15km out dying because i never die when i do it and neither do my squadmates it just looks like a major skill issue from you and the other teammates then
It seems to me that now the AIM-120 has less G than the AIM-7. Because the AIM-120 loses its target at the slightest maneuver.