Has anyone else noticed that SL rewards are seemingly halved this updates?
I have another 400 days of premium active & ever since this last update my SL rewards seem to be down around 50%. I’ve asked around on a few War Thunder discord servers and most people I’ve spoken to seem to have noticed the same reduction in rewards ever since the update.
I can probably go sifting around in old clips and compare rewards from then and now, one noticeable thing that stick out to me is how the Pak Puma a week or so ago was giving between 5 - 7k SL per kill, but now it gives barely 3k SL per kill at the same BR against the same vehicles, killing in the same amount of hits.
Some people suggested that it may be a difference in how rewards are displayed, with the number you see now not considering any premium account or vehicle boosters until in the post match screen, but I can’t confirm myself since I’m neither a math genius nor patient enough to get a single kill then wait for the game to end.