Seek & Destroy Update - FOX-3 missiles

I have :D and if you even try to use R73s beyond a set distance they lose energy so damn fast they fall out the sky… thansk for proving my point :D

The rocket engine burning is creating enough Push forces to use T-V as is doing R-73 today in-game.

you are still not grasping energy retention and how this works

Ok,… guys don’t feed the troll here.

you dont need to hit peak energy levels to pull 50g… you seem to have a deep misunderstanding, and even it you can’t having thrust vectoring allows you to pull much higher AOA than at peak energy levels…

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I know thanks proving you didnt read what I said…

if you want to maintain a 50g for an X period of time. you need energy otherwise the engine will not have enough thrust to overcome the maneuver.

Do you understand how missiles work now.

Go try it with SRAAMs and R73s, very easy concept to grasp

MICA has his peak pull when the engine is on with thrust vectoring. And all missile achieve the best turn while engine is on. When the engine is consumed, you just keep losing speed and energy when turning. MICA IR and EM are the same, just the guiding system is different. SO it is as effective in close range as a IR missile such as R73. With the ability to go further on long range. When engine is off, MICA has 35G pull with his fins.
And if you want to talk physics, higher the speed is, higher the G is, but not the turn radius itself. At mach 4 1km radius is probably equivalent to a 200m radius at 800kph. Both time 50G but the turn won’t be as good.

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if you launch a MICA and it does a 50g maneuver right of the rail, its going to “try” to maintain that 50gs as best it can BUT if the maneuver is no longer sustainable because it keeps losing energy that 50g is no longer sustainable :D

seriously go test it out with replays and the new sensor view you will be pleasantly surprised :D

you realize that missiles pulling 50 gs at lower speed have a much shorter radius?

shorter radius = higher lateral Gs… dont even try this conversation please this means MORE energy is required to maintain

What you forgot is those SRAAM/R-73 are restricted to short range having little engines.

MICA is able to reach 80km(4 times the others), therefore the push is longer and heavier,… the missile reaching 50G would be used for a Short range, therefore sacrificing the energy of long range shot to make the maneuver and still hit good Short range.

You’re here the only not have grasped utility of MICA in short range.

But if your missile needs to pull 50Gs on launch, it means the enemy is close, so no need the energy for 10km shoot. You just trade velocity for turns. it is the same for every missile. And peak energy, if you talk about kinetic energy, ofc you need your missile to go straight to get best speed. But if you pull 50Gs early one, you don’t need that speed. You need that turn.


you do know how Fox3s work right… they typically burn “loft 10-15 degrees” to “gain energy” then effectively glide in on a gradual decline approach to target to maintain the highest energy retention to target :D thats why it can do 80km :D

will you reach 80kms? no because that range is based on altitude and lofting parameters etc.

man, missiles can only mantain the turn while the rocket is burning… at peak energy it will start rapidly losing it.

,… that’s for long range mode.

We’re talking of ALL-PURPOSE MISSILE here my boy,…

Go make yourself some reaserach about MICA.

The MICA is able to launched from Prey position to the ennemy behind and kill it.

if the turn is too tight and lateral Gs are too great the missile either loses energy or it simply cannot make the turn quick enough to keep the seeker on target :D stop this conversation because you really dont know how missiles work

You don"t need to keep 50g. You turn while being slow (after launch) to get the minimum radius, and once your missile is cutting the trajectory of the enemy it does not need to pull 50g but 15g, since no plane can turns more than 11g. your missile needs to point ahead of the enemy early on, then just cruise to the target. It cannot sustain 50g, but it does not need to

… if you use MICAs in short range in general… go into replay sensor view and watch the Gs it pulls and watch how it speeds/energy effectively die off within seconds because your attempting a 50g maneuver right off the rail :D yeah good luck doing anything more than 10km with that

Yes, when you use them in long range. But in long range you don’t need to pull 50G. And once the engine is off, the max turn is 35G, it is on the missile spec.

thats assuming it can even cut the trajectory lmfao if your burning all its energy right off the rail and depending on the boresight of the target this might not be possible :D

just stop please