Seek & Destroy Update - FOX-3 missiles

I wanted to write about new missile type : FOX-3 , i think this new type of missiles is created not objectively .

Russia : R-77 , 50g missile ;
America : AIM-120 , 35g missile . i think it’s joke or something but america definiteli need AIM-132 ASRAAM or AIM-9X to be good as USSR . now america and any other county what have amraam missile is on defeat side. gaijin need to nerf this missiles

write you opinion about that and support my opinion to get the change or even a answer from gaijin

thank you for reading and writing in our community , see you in next posts.




rn the R-77 is doodoo

The real problem is MICA with better manouvering than R-73 and good range too


AIM-9X, ASRAAM, and R-73M aren’t necessary.
AMRAAM is R-77 equivalent. Don’t listen to Russian propaganda that’d claim otherwise.

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Reject AMRAAM and R-77
Embrace the MICA-EM

EDIT: I’ll also raise you this
Personally, I’ll go for MICA first
I won’t name the missile but one of these has 50G pull and 90s guidance time with largest warhead…

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Yes, but if I remember correctly, the R77 also is the draggiest of the FOX-3’s we are getting and while it might be able to pull harder, the sensors are supposedly worse (ingame, too) than the AMRAAM’s.

The R77 should fo the best in a high speed head-on situation vs the others at high altitude but then again, in that scenario the R-27ER would still beat it.

The AIM-120’s come at the benefit of having less drag and being able to hit fleeing target a bit further out. And let’s be honest 35G’s is already plenty for a missile.

It’s not a dogfighting missile so it won’t even need the 35G’s most of the time anway.

The MICA-EM has Thrust vectoring iirc, and will be an absolute menace at medium ranges.

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The US never used ASRAAM.

ASRAAM and Aim-9X are simply unneeded at this stage (though wouldnt say no to ASRAAM for the Torando F3 AOP and Shar FA2)

Aim-9M needs a buff and thats it in that department.

Also adding really strong Fox 2 missiles because 1 nation has a stronger pull Fox 3 is really wierd


Due to grid fins, right?

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So any reason the MICAs are not on the M4K? we literally have proof it can fit these, im genuinly gunna be mad if only one Jet in the french TT is getting MICAs


MICAs are spinning out again now, so if you want to complain, complain about that.

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Have you tried AAM-4? If the aircraft speed is below Mach 1.5, the hit rate when launched (TWS) from 20 kilometers away seems to be very low. The missile body will have a strange swing and rotation during the end of flight. I am not sure whether it is abnormal or normal.


50G yes, but with the current FM the only time it’s going to actually pull 50G is going hypersonic in the center of Jupiter

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They did technically eventually certify it on the MRL launcher(s), and they had a few on hand for developmental testing for the Australian Hornets.


The grid fins and being overall a larger missile as well.

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The R-77 can technically pull more G’s, which in this case just means better manoeuvrability at high speeds. It is by no means similar to the AIM-9X or R-73, which have thrust vectoring. The MICA on the other hand, DOES have thrust vectoring and does behave more like a radar guided R-73.

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The R77 is your issue? Have you even seen the Mica?
Also AIM-9X would be way too powerful to be added ingame, same for thr ASRAAM


Same as R73s, gaijin hasnt really figured out Thrust Vectoring on missiles , tho i have seen an improvement in the R73’s stability , especially in high offbore shots

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With the current state of MICA, I think we may be a whole lot closer to 5th Gen IR than I thought.

There was an Olivia leak saying US SPAA with AMRAAM and IRIS-T may be a thing. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them start to be introduced by end of year or this time next year at the latest.

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The good maneuvering of MICA-EM being as good as R-73 would only impact close range dogfights,…

The MICA-EM is stated to a 35G missile at longer range

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At long range, G-pull over 35G is completely irrelevant

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